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MANG.ID Among FIA Students Wins Grand Prize at SIIF 2018 Event

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Kevin Adiyasa Pahlevi, a student of the Tax Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA/2015) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) is winning in an international competition. The reason is, together with friends from across faculties, namely Naufal Alman Shafly, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB); Yamamo Satrio, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB); Febian Mahdatana, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB); Mayasari, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB); Jufry Hariyanta, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB); Ismelia Novitasari, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB); Mathius Brein Andwika Sitohang, Faculty of Fisheries and Marine Sciences (FPIK); Jhorgi Hisamawa, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) and Anisa Fitri Ramadhania, Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB), won the Grand Prize award at the 2018 Seoul International Invention Fair (SIIF) in Seoul, Korea on 6-9 December 2018. .

Carrying the MANG.ID product, which is an Android-based online application for marketing purposes with the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) market, the team managed to compete with more than 33 countries from all parts of the world. Mathius Brein Andwika Sitohang, as the team representative, explained that Indonesia was the country with the most product shipments at the event, namely 41 units.

"For MANG.ID itself, we provide a platform for MSME product users to check the quality of the products that have been used. The big vision is to strengthen MSMEs as a pillar of the Indonesian nation's economy, starting from Malang City," explained Brien, his nickname.

Under the guidance of a lecturer from FEB UB, Sigit Pranomo SE., M.Sc., MANG.ID can be accessed in the form of an android application and is available on the PlayStore. He added that MANG.ID is also still in the development stage because now they already have a patent from an institution in UB.

Furthermore, Kevin himself is in charge of looking for MSMEs to work with MANG.ID as well as educating umkm about using the application.

"For a total of more than 100 people who have been educated, there are around 60 MSMEs registered in the apps. I hope MANG.ID can have a big impact on MSME income and increase their number in Indonesia. This is because MSMEs have a very important role for the Indonesian economy," added Kevin

A total of 606 innovation projects were exhibited at SIIF 2018. Various countries participated in SIIF activities, including Indonesia, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Vietnam, China, Saudi Arabia, Croatia, Russia, United Arab Emirates, Switzerland, Iran, Oman, Qatar , America, Poland, as well as various other countries. SIIF is an innovation exhibition and competition event organized by the Korea Invention Promotion Association (KIPA) supported by Korea Intellectual Property. This year, Indonesian innovation under the supervision of Innopa won 1 grand prize, 10 gold, 6 silver, 21 bronze medals and various other special awards from various countries. Organization (KIPO), World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), and International Federation of Inventors Association.

"We want MANG.ID to be big, starting with MSMEs in Malang and then lots of users donate reviews about products that have been used. Apart from that, we hope that more and more students will become interested in starting MSME businesses and register them at MANG.ID," concluded Brien.

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