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Malaysian Students Participate in International Internship at FIA UB

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Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held an "International Internship" on Thursday (12/11) to Monday (16/11). In this internship activity, as many as 20 students from Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM) had the opportunity to learn the ins and outs of the world of education in Indonesia, especially at FIA UB. The event began with an "Opening Ceremony" which was attended by faculty leaders and all apprentices accompanied by three supervisors.

In his opening remarks, the Head of the Department of Public Administration, Dr. Choirul Saleh, M.Si welcomed the arrival of the apprentices from UUM. According to him, this event is a real follow-up of the collaboration that has existed for a long time between FIA UB and UUM. Choirul hopes that all apprentices will receive meaningful benefits while undergoing internships in Indonesia. "If some time ago our students were doing internships at UUM, now it's our turn to be the host for UUM's younger siblings. Hopefully in the future our cooperation will be even tighter," said the Public Administration lecturer.

Meanwhile, dr. Nira Hariyatie Hartani as the supervising lecturer for UUM students expressed her joy with this international internship program. He was very impressed with the welcome given by FIA UB to his entourage since he first landed in Indonesia. "We are very impressed with the welcome of FIA UB to us. We are also happy to get accommodation on campus that is in the same class as a hotel and delicious food," he said in a distinctive Malay accent.

While in Indonesia, apprentice participants from UUM will be invited to experience the world of education at Brawijaya University. Among them by attending lectures at FIA UB, visiting several academic units in UB, and conducting field studies by visiting several places in Malang Raya to learn directly about the social life of Indonesian people.


Coverage Team:

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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