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The Republic of Indonesia Ministry of Cooperatives & UKM will Disburse Entrepreneurial Capital Assistance for Students

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Brawijaya University has long ordained itself as “World Class Entrepreneurial University“, a vision that will continue to be built to equip graduates with an entrepreneurial spirit and spirit. This vision is seen by the Ministry of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises (Kemenkop & UKM) of the Republic of Indonesia to establish cooperation in the field of entrepreneurship. This collaboration was realized, one way, by providing entrepreneurial capital for students, as revealed in a meeting between the delegation from the Ministry of Cooperatives & UKM of the Republic of Indonesia and the ranks of the dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA).

Pertemuan Dekanat FIA UB dengan perwakilan Kemenkop & UKM RI
Meeting of the Dean of FIA UB with representatives of the Indonesian Ministry of Cooperatives & UKM

During the visit, the Assistant Deputy for Entrepreneurship at the Ministry of Cooperatives & UKM, Aprizal Kusai, revealed that his visit to the FIA was to convey directly about the collaboration program with the FIA dean. According to him, this collaboration program is realized in the form of entrepreneurship training for students. Students will be trained to create a good business model by the Ministry of Cooperatives & UKM team. Furthermore, the best business model will be funded by the Ministry of Cooperatives & SMEs. “Students who pass the selection will not need to return capital funds from us at a later date. "In fact, we will provide guidance and monitoring to them while carrying out their business model," said Aprizal.

Dekanat FIA UB berfoto bersama Asisten Deputi Bidang Kewirausahaan dan Kepala Bagian Keuangan Kemenkop & UKM RI
The Dean of FIA UB takes a photo with the Assistant Deputy for Entrepreneurship and the Head of the Finance Section of the Ministry of Cooperatives & UKM of the Republic of Indonesia

The FIA Dean who received the mandate welcomed the program with joy. Of course, this program is in line with the mission that FIA wants to achieve for its graduates, namely equipping them with entrepreneurial values. Moreover, FIA oversees the Department of Business Administration with its Entrepreneurship and Innovation Laboratory which is very concerned with developments in the business world. "We will immediately follow up on this program from the Ministry of Cooperatives & UKM at the beginning of next year to open up opportunities for our students to run their own businesses," commented Dr. Sri Mangesti Rahayu, Assistant Dean III FIA represented the dean ranks. (ALA/FIA)

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