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Develop Village Libraries, FIA UB Delegation Wins 2nd Place in LKTIM

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A student delegation from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) once again made the alma mater proud. This is because the team consisting of Rizki Ananda Damanik (Public Administration 2016) and Putri Fidya Handayani (Public Administration 2015) won 2nd place in the East Java Student Level Scientific Writing Competition. The FIA UB team succeeded in eliminating dozens of teams from passing abstractions to presentations.

The final competition was held at Malang State University with the theme Optimizing Human Resources to Realize Global Competitiveness Through Social Learning on Saturday (8/9/2018). They made a village innovation through a village library called Library (Library Laboratory).

"In this innovation, we also initiated additional facilities for learning from Elementary School (SD) to High School (SMA) students. We want the village library to become a place or facility for learning media for anyone," explained Putri to the FIA UB Public Relations team. The team's goal is to educate the Indonesian people to love reading so they can map out the potentials in their villages.

Furthermore, Rizki explained that his team used the pentahelix model in the Library innovation.

"The first is the government sector which has a role as a regulation and policy related to an independent village with a library as its indicator. Second is  stakeholders private providers of CSR and funds as forming the library itself. Furthermore, there is a community divided into two, namely tourism awareness and users/academicians. Aware that travel can be as volunteers from the library itself and there are academics, namely those who develop village libraries in such a way according to their knowledge. Finally, the mass media as a means of publication and branding," said Rizki.

The team revealed that each village has its own characteristics, one of which is an independent village with an example of innovation, namely the village library. If you look at the village phenomenon in East Java, 63% does not have a village library and it is difficult to become an independent village. Lots of support from various parties in the efforts of the UB FIA team, including Andhyka Muttaqin, S.AP., M.PA., as the supervisor, Dr. Mochamad Rozikin, M. AP., as Deputy Dean 3 of FIA UB, as well as many other parties.

"Hopefully, manual systems and regulations must be replaced for innovation followed by products such as village libraries and others. Because an interesting idea keeps people from getting bored,” concluded the team.

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