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3in1 Program Activities as Empowerment of Student Knowledge in the Business Administration Study Program

The Business Administration Study Program held 3IN1 activities as a form of empowering knowledge for students of the Business Administration Study Program. This program arranges a theme called "Developing, Managing and Using a Customer-Related Database to Build a Successful Analytical Customer Relationship Management.” 

This program will be held on Tuesday, 23 May 2023 at 08.15 WIB to 16.00 WIB. This program brings in great experts like Dr. Syed Hassan Raza as Associate Professor at the Institute of Media and Communication Studies and Yohanes Yuda S.,MM as HRD-Staffing & Training PT. Magnificent Solar Wheel.

The event was opened by Dean of Faculty of Administrative Science namely Andy Fefta Wijaya, Drs. MDA, Ph.D as well Head of Department of Business namely Nur Imamah, Dr. SAB., MAB., Ph.D served as Opening Speeches in the 3IN1 Program implemented by the Business Administration Study Program.

In delivering the material carried out by Dr. Syed Hassan Raza as Associate Professor at the Institute of Media and Communication Studies entitled Developing and managing Customer related database. He said that actually CRM data is very important in the current situation, it is a way to connect with customers and not only for the past and present but also for the future. It's not just about getting data, but how to use it properly for company needs and customer needs.

Yohanes Yuda S.,MM selaku HRD-Staffing & Training Supervisor PT. Roda Sakti Surya Megah yang berjudul CRM. Dalam kesempatan ini beliau menerangkan dan menjelaskan terkait Customer Relationship Management atau CRM dapat didefinisikan sebagai seluruh tahapan dari konsep pemasaran dan strategi marketing. CRM memiliki tujuan yang mengarah kepada customer life cycle yang dimulai dari tahap tahu, suka, percaya, mencoba, beli, beli lagi, dan menyarankan yang menjadi siklus yang terus berputar. Adapun proses pengelolaan data CRM dimulai dari proses prospecting (proses mencari dan menilai calon pelanggan), appointment (proses membuat janji bertemu dengan calon konsumen salah satunya untuk follow up data prospect), presentation (proses menggali kebutuhan, menjelaskan produk, dan cara atau penjelasan harga), closing (proses negosiasi dan memastikan pelanggan membeli), getting reveral (proses untuk rekomendasi kepada orang terdekat konsumen atau calon konsumen), serta diakhiri dengan proses service after-sales (pengelolaan after-sales, seperti service berkala, service gratis, spare part promo).

Hopefully the presentation of very interesting material can add insights new knowledge and knowledge to all Business Administration Study Program Students as a form of helping implement their knowledge in the world of work later. 

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