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Fill in the Annual SPT Together, Collaboration with the FIA UB Tax Center and the Regional Office of DJP East Java

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The Tax Center of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held an activity "Fill in the Annual Individual Income Tax Returns together through E-Filing", Wednesday (2/3). The event which was held in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor was the result of a collaboration between the FIA UB Tax Center and the Regional Office of DGT (Directorate General of Taxes) East Java III. The activity was held to facilitate all employees in Universitas Brawijaya in reporting their respective income taxes. The officers present, both employees of the DGT Regional Office and students of the Tax Study Program, seemed swift to serve all the taxpayers who were present. From the monitoring of the PSIK team at the event location, the large hall seemed cramped because of the large number of taxpayers present.

Petugas dari Kanwil DJP Jatim sedang membantu wajib pajak dalam mengisi SPT tahunannya
Officers from the East Java DJP Regional Office are assisting taxpayers in filling out their annual tax returns

Every taxpayer who attends is required to obtain an E-FIN or an activation code for the E-Filing service online. After getting the code, taxpayers can start filling out their annual tax return either via their laptop or cell phone. If there are difficulties during the filling process, the officers at the activity location will kindly help overcome these difficulties.


Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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