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Open Registration for CRAYON 2023

" 𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘶𝘩a𝘯 𝘜𝘔𝘒𝘔” Crayon Project 2023 MSME Empowerment Program by Entrepreneurship & Innovation Laboratory (Ei Lab), Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, is back with a vision to help and develop MSMEs throughout Malang Raya🤩✨ ‼️𝐁𝐞𝐫 𝐛 lol ‼️ – Knowledge, directions and strategies to survive progressively and adaptively – Accelerators for selected MSMEs … Read more

The Head of EI Lab Describes the Entrepreneurship Development Program on the Malang State Polytechnic Podcast

Head of EI Lab FIA UB Andriani Kusumawati, S.Sos., M.Sc., DBA had the opportunity to fill out a podcast at the State Polytechnic of Malang. This podcast discusses the topic of entrepreneurship in tertiary institutions which on this occasion is also shared with Ayu Sulasari, SE, MM as Chair of the Entrepreneurship Training Business Incubator Unit of the State Polytechnic of Malang. The discussion on the podcast talks about how the form of cooperation … Read more

Drive Pentahelix Synergy, Lab. Tourism Holds Tourism Seminar Series

The FIA UB Tourism Laboratory held a Tourism Seminar Series 2 with the theme "Pentahelix Synergy in Creating Resilient and Sustainable Regional Tourism" on March 18 2023. The activity took place in the Hall of Building E, 10th floor of FIA UB by presenting 3 speakers namely Drs. Arif As Shidiq. MH (Head of the Batu City Tourism Office), Dwi Lili Indayani (Gekraf … Read more

FIA UB Holds Meeting to Agree on Work Unit IKU

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a Leadership Meeting. The activity was attended by all work units under FIA UB, including departments, study programs, laboratories, agencies and institutions. The activity which lasted for two days from Friday (17/3) to Saturday (18/3) was centered in Surabaya. Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D said... Read more

Provide Students with Thesis Writing, Lab. SIM Holds Smart PLS Training

Undergraduate students are sometimes faced with difficulties using data analysis tools needed to complete research on their thesis. That's what drives the Lab. Management Information System (SIM) to hold "S1 Student Smart PLS Usage Training" on Saturday, March 11 2023 yesterday. This activity opens opportunities for students, especially those who are currently writing a thesis, to learn how to use … Read more

Lab. FIA UB Tax Center Helps Employee SPT Reporting in UB

FIA UB's Tax Center Laboratory holds "Filling E-Filing for UB Educators and Education Staff in 2023". The event which was held offline on the 4th floor of building A invited all lecturers and students from UB. The activity was held in order to provide assistance to all lecturers and students in UB regarding filling out E-filing. Dean of FIA UB Drs. Andy … Read more

Ei Lab FIA UB Participates in Enlivening Digital Grounds Surabaya

FIA UB's Entrepreneurship & Innovation Laboratory (Ei Lab) attended the Digital Grounds Activity: Green Tech Safari in Surabaya, precisely in the Balai Pemuda Barat building, Surabaya. This event was organized by Ecoxyztem together with Bappenas RI, GIZ DTC & Make-IT Indonesia in order to support the digital ecosystem in Indonesia, especially with regard to green technology startup companies. … Read more

FIA UB’s Tax Centre Socialised the Latest UB’s Employee’s Tax Withholding Evidence

FIA UB's Tax Center Laboratory held a "Socialization of Tax Deduction Evidence for UB Educators and Education Staff in 2023". The event which was held online invited all lecturers and students from UB. The activity was held in order to provide socialization to all UB employees regarding proof of income tax withholding which has changed since UB changed its status to... Read more

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