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Announcement of Collection of Graduation Requirements for Period XII of 2018/2019 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 6920/ UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period XII TA. 2018/2019 specifically for the Undergraduate level, it is MANDATORY to submit validated graduation requirements files on: Day: Monday - Friday Date: 01 - 12 July 2019 Place: Bag. FIA UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours Thus, thank you for your attention and cooperation. … Read more

Announcement of Dress Rehearsals and Graduation Period XII for 2018/2019 Fiscal Year

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:: Dress rehearsal Dress rehearsal at FIA-UB Must be attended by Prospective Graduates Period XI, which will be held on: Day, Date: Friday, 19 July 2019 Time: 08.30 WIB Place: Hall, 4th floor of Building A FIA UB: : Toga and Invitation Collection Toga and invitation taking will be held on: Day, Date … Read more

Visit Prof. Dr. Julian Ming Sung Cheng

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Pada tanggal 24 Juni 2019 Program Studi Ilmu Administrasi bisnis mendapatkan kunjungan Prof. Dr. Julian Ming-Sung Cheng dari Universitas National Central University, Taiwan. Kunjungan prof Julian Julian Ming-Sung Cheng dilakukan dalam rangka kegiatan visiting professor. Prof Julian akan berbagi ilmu di fakultas ilmu Administrasi selama satu bulan. Adapun kegiatan beliau selama kunjungan ke program Studi … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Graduation Requirements for Period XI 2018/2019 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 6262/ UN10.F03.05.04/KM/2019 For Prospective Graduates/Wati Period XI FY. 2018/2019 specifically for the Undergraduate level, it is MANDATORY to submit validated graduation requirements files on: Day: Monday - Friday Date: 12 - 19 June 2019 Place: Bag. FIA UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours As for the names registered in the XI period graduation … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Graduation Files for Period X 2018/2019 Academic Year for Undergraduate Level

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For Candidates for Period X Graduates of the 2018/2019 Academic Year, especially for the S-1 level, it is mandatory to collect the validated Graduation Requirements Files on: Day: Monday - Friday Date: 01 - 05 April 2019 Place: Sec. student affairs of FIA – UB Time: Working Hours As for the names of the X year period graduates … Read more

Announcement of Collection of Graduation Requirements for Period VIII of the 2018/2019 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT for Prospective Graduates/Wati Period VIII TA. 2018/2019, specifically for undergraduate level, you are MANDATORY to collect graduation requirements files that have been validated on: Day: Monday – Friday Date: 04 – 15 February 2019 Place: Bag. FIA UB Student Affairs Time: Working Hours The names registered for the graduation period VIII can be checked on the website... Read more

Aldella, Student of FIA UB Wins APPI Achievement Scholarship

Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) have made another achievement. This time, Aldella Putri Saraswati from the Library and Information Science Study Program, class of 2015, won the Indonesian Financial Companies Association (APPI) Achievement Scholarship. He explained that Aldella did not expect to get the scholarship. He admitted that he had no hope of getting a scholarship because he had previously… Read more

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