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The 3 in 1 Visiting Professor and Professional Program in 2021

2021 is still our time dealing with the covid-19 pandemic which still requires us all to continue to carry out various activities online. Even though the conditions are limited this year the Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya still provides an innovative learning resource and is packaged in The 3 in 1 Program. In this year… Read more

The 3 in 1 Visiting Professor and Professional Program in 2021

2021 is still our time dealing with the covid-19 pandemic which still requires us all to continue to carry out various activities online. Even though the conditions are limited this year the Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya still provides an innovative learning resource and is packaged in The 3 in 1 Program. In this year… Read more


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ANNOUNCEMENT OF THE IMPLEMENTATION OF POSTGRADUATE PROGRAM STUDENT ORDIK AT BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY TA. 2021/2022 In connection with the Education and Student Orientation (ORDIK) activities for Postgraduate Program Students at the University of Brawijaya for the 2021/2022 Academic Year, it is announced to: New students who have been declared accepted and get NIM in the odd semester of 2021/2022. 2020/2021 even semester students who have not attended the Study Orientation … Read more


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ANNOUNCEMENT No. 7397/UN10.F03.01/PP/2021 Informed all students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya regarding the Odd Semester Registration activities for the Academic Year 2021/2022 are as follows: Administrative Registration a. Administrative registration (UKT/SPP payment) will be held on 02-12 August 2021 b. Payment procedures can be seen at: Academic Registration a. Academic Registration (Filling … Read more

Announcement of the Yudisium for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs for the Period of 15 July 2021 Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya

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The following are the names of Yudisium participants for the period July 15, 2021 for the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences: LIST OF NAMES OF YUDISIUM PARTICIPANTS FOR THE PERIOD 15 JULY 2021 Relating to SKL (Certificate of Graduation) and Temporary Transcripts will be sent via e-mail of yudisium participants or if necessary sent via correspondence address . Therefore, it is requested that yudisium participants be able to complete … Read more


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Telah berpulang ke Rahmatullah Ibu Dr. Ratih Nur Pratiwi (ibunda dari Bu Sovia Rosalin), sore hari ini.. mohon maaf atas segala dosa dan khilaf dari Beliau.. dan mohon doanya.. Semoga Beliau diampuni segala khilaf & salahnya, diterima semua amal ibadahnya dan mendapatkan tempat terbaik disisi Allah SWT.. Aamiin Yaa Robbal Alamin ???

Announcement of Judicial Registration for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs for the Period of 27 July 2021

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In connection with YUDISIUM for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya for the period July 27 2021, all prospective Yudisum participants are informed about the following matters: 1. Registration for UPLOAD and VALIDATION (online) no later than : Day : Wednesday Date : 21 July 2021 At … Read more


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Related to the Instruction of the Chancellor of Brawijaya University Number: 6295 of 2021 Dated July 4, 2021 Regarding Office Activities during the implementation of restrictions on emergency community activities (Corona Virus Disease 2019). For the time being, do not serve applications for legalization directly to the Faculty until July 20, 2021 or follow further announcements. For students who need to legalize a diploma, they can send… Read more

Circular of Academic Activities for Odd Semester Academic Year 2021/2022 FIA UB

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CIRCULAR regarding Academic Activities for Odd Semester Academic Year 2021/2022 FIA UB Follow up and consider: Regulation of the Minister of Education and Culture Number 3 of 2020 concerning National Standards of Higher Education Circular of the Minister of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia Number 3 of 2020 concerning Prevention of Corona Virus Disease (Covid) -19) in the Education Unit; Circular of the Director General of Higher Education Number 1 … Read more

Inbound Student Exchange Program

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SUBJECTS FOR ODD SEMESTER 2021/2021 UNDERGRADUATE STUDY POGRAM IN PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION NO SUBJECT CREDITS Semester 3 1 Development Administration 3 2 Public Administration Ethics 3 3 Public Sector Communication & Negotiation 3 4 Public Management 3 5 Village Government Administration … Read more

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