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Laying the First Stone of the 12 Floor FIA UB New Building

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Tuesday afternoon (25/8), dozens of invited guests appeared and gathered around the entrance of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB). They were deliberately present to fulfill FIA UB's invitation to the “Laying of the Ground Stone for the Construction of a 12-Floor FIA UB New Building” which is located in the former motorbike parking area which has now been leveled with … Read more

Departure of Hajj Candidate Congregation from FIA UB

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) sends off its extended family members who wish to perform the pilgrimage through an event "Departure of the Congregation for Hajj Candidates from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences", Tuesday (25/8). The Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS that there are four people who will go on pilgrimage, namely Yusri Abdillah, Ph.D and his wife, Drs. Minto Hadi, M.Sc., and Faisal … Read more

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FIA UB Leads the Discussion of the Draft Ministerial Regulation on the Development of Rural Areas

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The Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration (Kemendes) cooperates with the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) to hold a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) on "Socialization and Coordination of Draft Guidelines for Development of Rural Areas in Region I (Sumatra)". Dozens of participants consisting of officials from ministries, local government representatives in the Sumatra region, representatives from several local universities, … Read more

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Saleh Soe'aidy, A Firm and Simple Figure Loved by Many People

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Muhammad Saleh So'eaidy was born in Pamekasan on February 12, 1954. He has worked at Brawijaya University since 1981 or exactly one year after obtaining a Bachelor of State Administration from Brawijaya University. At that time, he was completing a thesis entitled "The Role of Informal Leaders in Development, Case Studies in the District of Malang". After becoming a teacher, he immediately… Read more

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Farewell, Mr. M. Saleh Soe'aidy

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FIA UB lost one of its best sons. One of the senior lecturers in the Department of Public Administration, Dr. Muhammad Saleh Soe'aidy, MA, breathed his last on Thursday, August 20 2015, at 15.10 WIB at Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA) Malang. The deceased died after being treated in the RSSA ICU for three days after suddenly being rushed to… Read more

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Wempi Naviera Wins Third Place in UB Achievement Education Staff 2015

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One of the academic operators of FIA UB, Wempi Naviera, S.AB. managed to come out as the 3rd winner in the 2015 Selection of Educators and Educational Staff with Achievement. Wempi, who works daily in the Academic Sub-Division of FIA UB as a statistics and diploma staff, managed to attract the attention of the jury consisting of a combination of lecturers in the Institute for Educational Studies and Development. … Read more

New Concentration of Business Administration Study Program to Meet the Needs of the World of Work

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Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) continues to innovate in terms of educational curriculum development. With this innovation, the output of the educational curriculum in various study programs under FIA UB can meet the needs of the world of work, as is done by the Business Administration Study Program (PSIAB). Starting from the 2015/2016 academic year, the study program that has recently maintained its … Read more

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Business Administration Study Program Wins “A” Rank in BAN PT Without Visitation

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The Bachelor of Business Administration Study Program (PSIAB) FIA UB has officially received an “A” accreditation rating from the National Accreditation Board for Higher Education (BAN PT). In a letter sent to PSIAB, BAN PT stated that the assessment of the accreditation form had reached a high score, namely 368. Thus, BAN PT considered that there was no need for field visits. This is the success of PSIAB … Read more

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Adinda Putri Ramadhany, Best FIA UB Graduate at the Separation of Period X Graduates of 2014/2015

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held an event "Departure of Period X Graduates of 2014/2015 Academic Year", Saturday (8/8). The event which was held after the UB graduation procession which took place in the Hall of Building A, 4th floor of FIA UB was attended by all graduates from FIA UB along with the invitees consisting of faculty leaders, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of ... Read more

The Department of Business Administration Holds Training on Using the OSIRIS Database

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FIA UB Department of Business Administration held "Training on Using the OSIRIS Database", yesterday (6/8). The event which was centered at the Management Information Systems Laboratory (SIM) was attended by most of the lecturers within the scope of the Department of Business Administration. The training was directly supervised by a team of OSIRIS software creators and distributors. Secretary of the Department of Business Administration Mohammad Iqbal, DBA said that… Read more

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