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Coming Soon: Indonesian Librarianship National Workshop 2018

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Konsep  tata kelola informasi atau information governance menjadi terlihat “baru” karena perubahan-perubahan yang disebabkan oleh penggunaan teknologi masa-kini, khususnya teknologi berbasis komputer atau teknologi digital. Pemahaman prinsipil tentang tata kelola informasi (information governance) awalnya diletakkan dalam konteks yang lebih luas yakni tata kelola (governance) yang mengandung makna bagaimana cara suatu bangsa mendistribusikan kekuasaan dan … Read more


The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a Book Review and Book Discussion in the Hall of Building A, FIA UB, 4th floor. The book review event discussed the book "Investment of the Heart of Eka Wiryastuti" by presenting Eka Wiryastuti, the Regent of Kab. Tabanan, who is also an alumni of FIA UB. The event was attended by a number of regional apparatus organization (OPD) leaders in… Read more

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The Business Department of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held an ESPRIEX (Entrepreneurial Spirit Exchange) competition on April 9 2018 The biggest business model competition in ASEAN was held at UBTV. ESPRIEX was held in collaboration with international competition organizers the International Business Model Competition (IBMC) such as Brigham Young. Harvard University, and Stanford University. Dean of FIA UB Prof. … Read more

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The SEAGOV Event is Back

[:en] The international event South East Asia Governance Forum (SEAGOV) was held again in early 2018. This time, the event which was organized by the Public Administration Department of FIA UB invited Undergraduate students from various campuses in the Southeast Asia region to write papers, send them to the committee, and present selected papers on February 28 2018. Information … Read more

Farewell and Welcome Deputy Dean of FIA UB for the 2017-2021 period

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a farewell ceremony for the deputy deans for the 2017-2021 period. In the event which was attended by the elders, lecturers, and educational staff of FIA UB, the Dean of FIA UB Prof Dr Bambang Supriyono MS officially introduced the new vice deans, respectively Yusri Abdillah PhD (Vice Dean I), Dr Hamidah Nayati Utami MSi … Read more

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Congratulations and Success to the Deputy Deans for the 2017-2021 Period

Congratulations and success to the new officials in FIA UB for the 2017-2021 period: *Mr. Yusri Abdillah, MSi PhD (Deputy Dean I/Academic Affairs) *Ms. Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, MSi (Vice Dean II/General Administration and Finance) * Mr. Dr. Mohammad Rozikin, MSi (Deputy Dean III/Student and Alumni Affairs) As well as his deepest gratitude to officials... Read more

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General Lecture by the Main Director of Employment BPJS

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) will hold a public lecture with the Main Director of BPJS Ketenagakerjaan, Agus Susanto. This activity will be held on Monday, November 27, 2017 and will be held in the Hall of Building A FIA UB, 4th floor. For FIA UB academics in particular and UB in general who are interested, are welcome to attend immediately at the location on the … Read more

Announcement of FIA UB Building Maintenance

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[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Sehubungan dengan dilakukannya program perawatan Gedung A, B, C, D dan E  FIA UB yang dilaksanakan hingga bulan Desember 2017, bersama ini kami atas nama pimpinan fakultas memohon maaf kepada seluruh sivitas akademika FIA UB atas segala ketidaknyamanan yang ditimbulkan oleh perawatan tersebut. Kami mohon doa restu dari seluruh sivitas akademika agar program tersebut dapat … Read more

Kemenristekdikti National Competition, FIA UB Student Team Wins First Place

Starting from the desire to help farmers in solving problems, the LABORAN Team was able to win 1st place in GEMASTIK (National Student Exhibition in Information and Communication Technology) at the University of Indonesia. The team consisting of Ekananda Putri Nurafandi and Muhammad Fathir Alhakim is a team under the auspices of the EI Lab (Entrepeneurship and Innovation Laboratory) FIA UB. Initiating an application that bridges farmers with… Read more

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Maintain Shallot Price Stability, FIA UB Proposes the Establishment of a Special Coordinating Body

The government, in this case the Ministry of Agriculture, has made great efforts to maintain shallot production levels and price stability in the market. With various strategies that have been formulated, the government believes the availability of shallots can meet people's needs. However, some time ago, the fact that the price of shallots has soared in several regions continues to be found, which... Read more

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