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To Improve Journal Writing Ability, FIA UB Holds User Education

The Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), through the Library and Archive Laboratory Unit has held training in journal writing for Masters and Doctoral students entitled User Education, on Friday (21/9/2018) in the Auditorium of FIA UB. The event, which aims to improve journal writing and publication skills, presents speakers directly from the Chief Editor, reviewer and author of … Read more

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Introduce Technology-Based Financial Inclusion in Brawijaya Fintech Day

Technological developments have penetrated into any field, including financial inclusion. Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS, as the Dean of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) said that often the ideology of business administration loses out to technology. Therefore, the Brawijaya Fintech Day event was held as an introduction to technology-based finance on Tuesday (18/9/2018) at the Basement of FIA UB. … Read more

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Lecturer of the Department of Business Administration Performs Product Photo Engineering Services

In order to improve community startups, the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held Community Service (Pengmas) with the title of Product Photo Technique Training. Led by the head of the UB Tax Study Program, Saparilla Worokinarsih, Dr., S.Sos., M.Sc., the training was conducted to improve the visual branding of entrepreneurs' products. As part of the community service team, Priandhita Sukowidyawati A, SE., … Read more

Develop Village Libraries, FIA UB Delegation Wins 2nd Place in LKTIM

Delegasi mahasiswa dari Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) kembali mengharumkan almamater. Pasalnya, tim yang terdiri dari Rizki Ananda Damanik (Administrasi Publik 2016) dan Putri Fidya Handayani (Administrasi Publik 2015) berhasil meraih juara 2 Lomba  Karya Tulis Ilmiah Tingkat Mahasiswa se-Jawa Timur. Tim FIA UB berhasil menyisihkan puluhan tim dari mulai lolos abstraksi hingga … Read more

Cooperation between FIA UB and KPU Encourages Participation of Beginner Voters

The UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) lecturer team implemented community service activities by holding political education in the hall of the Tugu High School complex, Malang City, yesterday (6/9). Participated by students from SMAN 3, SMAN 1, and SMAN 4 Malang City, this activity was also accompanied by socialization of the 2019 simultaneous general election (election) for first time voters by Malang City KPU. Present … Read more

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Administratio Choir Borong Award at the 2018 International Soegijapranata Choral Festival

The student choir of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has again made a proud achievement. This is because the Administratio Choir, as it is called, has bought up various awards at the 2018 International Soegijapranata Choral Festival on September 6-9. Administratio Choir won various achievements, including a Gold Medal and second place in the Folklore Category, Gold Medal in the Mixed Choir Category, … Read more

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LKM Stand Assignment 2018

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In connection with the 2018 LKM Expo Stand, we hereby notify the assignment to FIA UB Students class of 2018. The 2018 LKM Stand Assignment can be downloaded here. Thus, for your attention and cooperation, we thank you.

Librarian Seminar and Workshop Event Presents National and International Speakers

Library Science and Information Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) held a Librarian Seminar and Workshop which was held for three days (5-7/9/2018). The event which aims to communicate and public discussion related to the paradigm of librarianship in Indonesia was attended by academics and professionals from all over Indonesia. Located in the FIA UB Hall, the Semiloka was opened with remarks by Prof. … Read more

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Administatio Choir's presentation for the Prokompetisi Concert

The Administration Choir held a concert entitled Indonesian Sukma in the Pre-competition for the International Warsaw Choir Festival "Varsovia Cantat" in Poland and the Soegijapranata Choral Festival in Semarang. The event was also attended by Deputy Dean 1 of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Yusri Abdillah, S.Sos., M.Sc., Ph. D., and his staff. Benedicta as chief executive revealed the purpose of holding a pre-competition concert… Read more

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