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Administatio Choir's presentation for the Prokompetisi Concert

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The Administration Choir held a concert entitled Indonesian Sukma in the Pre-competition for the International Warsaw Choir Festival "Varsovia Cantat" in Poland and the Soegijapranata Choral Festival in Semarang. The event was also attended by Deputy Dean 1 of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), Yusri Abdillah, S.Sos., M.Sc., Ph. D., and his staff.

Benedicta as the chief executive revealed that the purpose of holding a pre-competition concert was related to mental readiness.

“We also provide donations at to support the competition. At the same time, I hope you will be entertained by the presentation of our performance, "he explained.

Furthermore, Yusri is proud of the Administration Choir with the achievements they have won so far. Achievements were achieved both nationally and internationally. “This concert is a preparation for real competition. Mental training is also needed in readiness," Yusri continued.

Yusri Abdillah, S.Sos., M.Sc., Ph. D. When Giving a Greeting

In the pre-competition concert, the FIA Student Choir presented international, national and regional songs beautifully. Yusri also hopes that the Administratio Choir can bring the title to Semarang which will be held on 6-9 September 2018 and Poland in November.

Administrative Choir Appearance

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