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FIA UB Holds Seminar on Public Policy to Strengthen Creative Economy

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Looking positively at its huge potential, the government is currently continuing to develop a creative economy among the community, especially the younger generation. One concrete manifestation of government support is the establishment of the Creative Economy Agency (BEKRAF) which is directly responsible to the president. Then what can students do to contribute to the development of the creative economy?

This was thoroughly discussed in a seminar entitled "Attractions" held by the Public Administration Student Association (HUMANISTIC) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Monday (30/10). Taking the topic "Optimizing the Potential of the Creative Economy to Strengthen Indonesia's Independence", the event presented several speakers, namely Andrinof Achir Chaniago (Prime Commissioner of BRI and Former Minister of National Development Planning), Dra Tri Widyani Pangastuti MSi (Head of the Malang City Cooperatives and UMKM Office), Vicky Arief (Coordinator of Malang Creative Fushion), and Rizky Emirdhani Utama (the youngest DPR RI Expert Staff) as Moderators.

The Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono (second from the left) gives souvenirs to Andrinof Achir Chaniago

In his opening remarks, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono MS said that MSMEs are one of UB's main focuses of attention. According to the Dean, UB as an international standard entrepreneurship campus requires all students to take Entrepreneurship courses, including FIA UB students. In addition, FIA UB is also active in the development of MSMEs by establishing the MSME Development Study Group (K2PU). "I hope this seminar can examine MSMEs from a policy perspective in order to improve the people's economy," said the Dean.

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