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National Seminar and Presentation of Research Results by the Research and Community Service Agency

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Research and Community Service Agency (BPPM) Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a National Seminar and Presentation of Research Results with the theme "Capacity Development of the Public and Business Sector in the Context of Increasing National Competitiveness", Thursday (30/3). The activity took place in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor. There were hundreds of participants packed into the activity location. They consist of lecturers and students who come not only from Brawijaya University, but also from other universities in East Java. 

The speakers took pictures with the leadership of FIA UB

Head of BPPM FIA UB Dr. Mohammad Nuh MSi said that this activity was BPPM's effort to motivate lecturers in FIA UB to complete their research. Nuh explained, usually lecturers only report research results to Reviewer appointed by BPPM, this time they were given the opportunity to present it to a wider audience. "For this reason, we package the presentation of the results of this research with a national seminar, so that the research results of FIA UB lecturers can be known more broadly," said the doctor graduated from Thailand. 

Meanwhile, the seminar activity began with presentations by three people Keynote Speaker. They are Drs Sutarjo MM (Deputy Secretary for Financing, Ministry of Cooperatives and UKM RI), Prof. Dr. Soesilo Zauhar MS (Professor of Public Administration of FIA UB), and Prof. Dr. Suhadak MEc (Professor of Business Administration of FIA UB). Furthermore, each of the 10 research groups was given the opportunity to present their research results in turn. 


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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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