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To Build Member Cohesiveness, AEC FIA UB Holds Management Training in Pujon

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Running an organization consisting of many people with various backgrounds is certainly not an easy thing. To ensure unity and a single vision and mission among its new members, the LOF Administration English Club (AEC) held Training Organization 2015, Saturday to Sunday (28-29/3). The activity, which took place in a villa in the Pujon mountains, Malang Regency, was attended by around 40 AEC Board of Committees (BOC), the name of the organization's management group.


AEC Chairperson for the 2013-2014 period, Mey Meliana Sari, said that this activity aims to introduce the history and vision and mission of the AEC organization, especially to new BOC members. "This event is also a place for introductions between old and new members, so that later they can work together to run the organization," added this student majoring in Public Administration.

Apart from that, Mey said that all of these BOCs would later work in several departments within the AEC organization. Among them are the Human Resources department which is tasked with improving members' capabilities, the Public Relations department, the Physical and Asset department which manages all organizational assets, the Fun and Business department, and the Education department which holds English language skills training. "Anyone can learn English with AEC, not just its members,"


On the first day, the event was filled with the presentation of several materials regarding the history of the organization and procedures for managing proposals in the faculty by Nila (AEC alumnus) and 2015 Chairperson Hara Agum Gumelar Parhusip. Meanwhile, the second day was filled with outbound activities. Activities Assistant Lecturer Aulia Luqman Aziz, M.Pd was also present at the event and gave a message to AEC members. (ALA/FIA)

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