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Guest Lecture on Corruption Eradication Strategy with M. Jasin

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After 15 years of the reform era, corruption remains one of the nation's biggest problems that must be resolved by future generations. The Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University, is one of the educational institutions that pays in-depth attention to this issue.

For this reason, in order to discuss and socialize efforts to prevent corruption among campus circles, the Public Administration Department of FIA UB held a General Stadium with the theme "Preventive Strategies for Eradicating Corruption among State Officials." "The sole speaker in this activity was Mochammad Jasin, Ph.D, Deputy Chair of the Corruption Eradication Committee for the 2007-2011 period who currently serves as Inspector General of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia and is also an alumni of the Public Administration Department of FIA UB.


In his opening remarks, the Dean of FIA UB, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS, revealed that graduates of the Public Administration Department will become state administrators. Therefore it is very necessary soft skills to produce graduates with high potential, dedication and morals good governance. "With this General Stadium, I hope that FIA UB students will avoid corrupt practices and have high character," said this friendly professor.

Meanwhile, Jasin in a separate interview said that his mission in this activity was to educate students so that they understand strategies for preventing corruption in Indonesia. He aspires to minimize the level of corruption in Indonesia. "If other countries can do it, why can't we," he said.

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