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One Decade, HIMABIS Holds Bazaar

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The Business Administration Student Association (HIMABIS) Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) on Wednesday (25/9) held its tenth Anniversary (HUT). The event was filled with entrepreneurship bazaar activities involving students and the general public.

Nindita Niken Palupi as Secretary to the Chief Executive conveyed to PRASETYA Online HIMABIS has gone through a decade of its journey so it needs to be celebrated.

"This morning's event began with a bazaar which was filled with 20 booths. The evening will be heldAwards Night namely the night of awarding various awards for the Faculty Autonomous Institution (LOF) which won the cleanliness competition, Favorite Lecturer and Favorite Bazaar Stand," said the 2011 class student.

The 10th HUT HIMABIS event also invites all LOFs and Departmental Student Associations (HMJ) throughout UB. Nindi hopes that the meeting of all LOFs and HMJs in UB will strengthen friendship ties and increase cooperation.

Evi Desianti, one of the students who took part in the bazaar, said that she and her friends opened a stand for snacks, clothes and cosmetics.

“Our stand is a combination of various products. Usually we sell it online through BBM," he concluded. [rian]

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