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Propose a Policy Analyst Profession, State Administration Institute Collaborates with FIA UB

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State Administration Institute (LAN) in collaboration with the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held an event "AD/ART Public Test, Professional Ethics and Code of Ethics of the Policy Analyst Professional Organization (ASANAKI)(21/6). The event, which was centered in the Seminar Room, Building B, 2nd Floor, discussed preparations for the formation of the "Policy Analyst" profession which would later occupy special posts in various ministries and other government institutions. It is planned that this profession will be officially established by the government starting in August 2016, so that FIA UB alumni have a great opportunity to occupy this post which must be filled by alumni with administrative background.

Suasana Uji Publik Profesi Analis Kebijakan
Policy Analyst Profession Public Test

The event was opened by the Dean of FIA UB who in this case was represented by the Assistant Dean II Drs. Heru Susilo, MA. In the event which was also attended by lecturers who are members of Indonesian Association of Public Administration (IAPA) East Java branch presented two public policy experts as reviewers, namely Prof. Dr. Susilo Zauhar, MS. and Andy Fefta Wijaya, Ph.D from FIA UB.


Coverage Team:

Reporter: Private Priambada

Article & Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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