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2016 Curriculum Workshop for Bachelor of Taxation Study Program

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Bachelor of Taxation Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), held a Curriculum Workshop, Monday (4/4). The event, which was centered in the Seminar Room, Building B, FIA UB, 2nd Floor, aims to evaluate the curriculum that has been running for the past five years, as well as to make some necessary changes to welcome the next five year period. The event was attended by all FIA UB lecturers who teach courses in the Tax Study Program. Directly led by the Head of the Bachelor of Taxation Study Program Dr. Kadarisman Hidayat, M.Sc., the participants were invited to evaluate and update learning outcomes, course presentations, and courses for taking courses for the next period.

Suasana Workshop Kurikulum Program Studi S1 Perpajakan
The atmosphere of the Undergraduate Tax Study Program Curriculum Workshop

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Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: Typhoon Pamilu Candra

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