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Collaboration with Bappenas RI, FIA UB Holds First Planner Functional Training

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In collaboration with Pusbindiklatren Bappenas RI, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held the First Planner Functional Training. In the activity which will last for seven weeks, there are two groups listed as participants in the activity, each staff from government agencies under the coordination of the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency and from the RI POM Agency. A total of 38 participants who were divided into two classes came from various regions in Indonesia.

To the participants in the opening ceremony, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS warmly welcomed their presence at FIA UB. The Dean said that his party had been working with the Pusbindiklatren Bappenas for a long time, including holding a double degree program which had been going on for 13 years as well as various non-degree training and education programs. “Welcome to our faculty. We hope that the ladies and gentlemen of the participants can feel comfortable while undergoing the training here," said the Dean in his remarks.

Meanwhile, Hari Nasiri Mochtar, Head of Functional Education and Training for Planners of Pusbindiklatren Bappenas, advised participants to take the training seriously. According to him, the facilities provided by FIA UB are among the best in all of Indonesia. In fact, according to Hari, FIA UB has long been a partner in developing the quality of human resources for Indonesian civil servants. "Conduct training with sincerity and dedication so you don't get stressed and only seek the pleasure of Allah," Hari said.

Hari Nasiri Mochtar menyampaikan sambutan selaku perwakilan Bappenas RI
Hari Nasiri Mochtar delivered his remarks as the representative of the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency

The implementation of the First Planner Functional Training is the first time in the history of cooperation between FIA UB and Bappenas RI. In this training for the first level, participants will receive material from the standard curriculum set by Pusbindiklatren. There are at least four main areas that participants must master during this training, namely planning technical, social, economic, and spatial fields. At the end of the training, each participant is required to take a competency test. Participants who fail to meet the test requirements or do not pass the exam are given the opportunity to repeat the competency test within two years.


Coverage Team:

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: Rodhi Ikhwan M.

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