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Two FIA UB Students Won First Place in the 2015 Archive Awareness Community Forum Competition

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Two students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), Arwin Anindyka and Erlangga Setiya Budi, succeeded in winning the 1st place in the "2015 Student-based Archive Aware Community Community Forum Competition". In the competition which is held every year by the Library and Archives Board of East Java Province, the two who are listed as students of the Library Science Study Program succeeded in eliminating twelve other teams from various universities in East Java. Various program designs that they carried out to raise public awareness about the importance of archives succeeded in stealing the attention of the jury in the presentation round that was held on 7-8 September 2015 yesterday in Surabaya. For this achievement, they are entitled to bring home the grand prize in the form of cash of IDR 7.5 million.

Together with two colleagues from the Information Technology and Computer Science Program (PTIIK) UB, Arwin and Erlangga formed a socialization team called the UB Archive Awareness Community Forum Team (FKMSA). For five months, from April to yesterday's presentation round, they worked hard to develop programs aimed at reminding the public of the importance of archives by carrying the slogan "Keeping Records, Keeping Our Lives”. One of them is by going directly to the field by distributing leaflets about archives in households in crowded centers. Not only that, this team also succeeded in attracting the attention of the public through an Archive Awareness Community Competition. This competition is open to the public on 7-21 August 2015 and utilizes social media Facebook via the address in maintenance.

Tim FKMSA UB bersama tim ahli Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan (kiri) dan Muhammad Tanzil Furqon (kanan)
UB FKMSA team with expert team Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan (left) and Muhammad Tanzil Furqon (right)

However, among these programs, the program for creating web-based filing applications for households attracted the attention of a jury consisting of academics and practitioners in the filing field. By accessing the address, the community can store all household files, so that the community does not have to worry about losing important documents in the household.

During the preparation and implementation of these programs, the UB FKMSA team was directly guided by a team of experts from the Archives Unit of Universitas Brawijaya (UK UB), namely Dr. Hamidah Nayati Utami, M.Si., Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan, M.Hum, and Muhammad Tanzil Furqon, M.Comp.Sc. No doubt, this achievement became one of UK UB's offerings in the early days of its establishment in building a neat and well-planned university filing system.


Reporting Team

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz/Muhammad Rosyihan Hendrawan

Photo: UB FKMSA Team for FIA UB


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