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Halal Bihalal Big Family of Administrative Sciences Faculty of Brawijaya University

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In order to celebrate the victory on Eid al-Fitr 1436 H, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a "Halal Bihalal of the FIA UB Big Family". The event which was attended by the big family of FIA UB—both active and retired lecturers and education staff—was held in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor, Thursday (23/7). This event began with the reading of the holy verses of the Koran by Muslims, FIA UB education staff, then followed by remarks by the Dean of FIA UB and an Eid al-Fitr lecture delivered by KH. Drs. Abdul Kholiq, and closed warmly and shaking hands.

Dekanat FIA UB menyampaikan permohonan maaf lahir dan batin
The Dean of FIA UB conveys a physical and spiritual apology

In his remarks the Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS prays for all FIA UB academics so that fasting and all good deeds during the month of Ramadan are accepted by Allah SWT. The Dean, on behalf of the faculty leadership, also conveyed his sincere apologies for all mistakes and mistakes while leading this faculty in realizing its vision and mission. "With this Eid al-Fitr momentum, hopefully our hearts and souls will be clean again for better performance in the future," said the Dean, who was agreed by all the audience.

KH. Drs. Abdul Kholiq menyampaikan taushiyah Idul Fitri
KH. Drs. Abdul Kholiq delivered the Eid al-Fitr taushiyah

Meanwhile, KH. Drs. Abdul Kholiq in his lecture conveyed several tips for a more successful life. One of them is to always be grateful for health favors. Kholiq told a true story that happened to a friend who had to endure pain every time he sat down due to frequent taking of supplements. The treating doctor concluded that his friend's pelvic bones had to undergo treatment which cost up to Rp. 225 million for each part of the left and right pelvis. "So, the pleasure of sitting in the chair that you and your mother are feeling right now is worth IDR 400 million. Shouldn't we be grateful?" he said.

In addition, according to Kholiq, another secret to a successful life is to regularly perform the Subuh prayers on time and in congregation. He told that he had read a book which contained a dialogue between a Muslim jinn and a scholar. According to the Muslim genie in the book, every dawn is when Allah sends angels to descend to the heavens and earth and take the prayers of all creatures. "This fact is not only known by jinn who live in the unseen realm, but also human babies who usually cry at dawn and roosters who suddenly crow," added Kholiq who is also an English teacher at SMA Negeri 1 Malang.

After the lecture and prayer together, the faculty leadership and professors were welcomed by the event's announcer, Dr. Riyanto, M.Hum to form a line in front. Meanwhile, other attendees are welcome to form neat and orderly lines to shake hands with the leaders and professors who have been standing in a row in front. The event was closed with a suave and together they ate the dishes that had been provided. (ALA/HEF/FIA)

Ramah tamah keluarga besar FIA UB
The big family of FIA UB is friendly

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