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Update Steps Toward an International Vision, the Master of Public Administration Program Holds Discussions on Vision and Mission Formulation

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In order to realize the vision of becoming an international standard campus, all study programs within the scope of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) are competing to improve the quality of their services. One of them is the Master of Public Administration Program. Last Thursday (21/5), the program held an activity 'Formulation of the Vision and Mission of the Master of Public Administration Program' to update the steps going forward. In the event which was held in the Seminar Room, Building B, 2nd Floor, the study program invited Ir. Milton Pakpahan, MM as the resource person from the stakeholders and Prof. Dr. Soesilo Zauhar, MS as Professor in the field of Public Administration. Also present were the Head of the Department of Public Administration Dr. Chaerul Saleh, M.Si, Head of the Public Administration Masters Program Dr. Irwan Noor, MS., and participants consisting of lecturers and students of S2 and S3 FIA UB.

Diskusi Perumusan Visi dan Misi
Vision and Mission Formulation Discussion

In his presentation, Milton Pakpahan stated the importance of the vision and mission of an organization because that is what will determine the attractiveness of potential customers to the organization. The man who once served as Chair of Commission VII DPR RI for the 2009-2014 period recalled the basic theory in marketing, namely the 4 P's which consist of Product, Promotion, Place, and Price. From that point of view, according to him, the Master of Public Administration Program has enough place in the hearts of the public. “Like me. I am interested in taking my doctoral degree at FIA UB because of the cool and calm location of the city, as well as the lecturers who don't see us as students, but as friends. I often promote this to my friends and on average they are all immediately interested in further studies here,” explained the man who now serves as Commissioner of PT. PLN this.

Milton Pakpahan (kiri), Chaerul Saleh, dan Soesilo Zauhar (kanan)
Milton Pakpahan (left), Chaerul Saleh, and Soesilo Zauhar (right)

Meanwhile, Prof. Dr. Soesilo Zauhar said that in order to establish a new vision and mission, this program must first recognize its current position. Prof Soes, as he is affectionately called, said that there are three phases to the progress of an organization, namely the Establishment, Development, and Further Development phases. "Well, we have to know where we are currently between these three phases, then we define our vision and mission for the next few years," said this friendly professor.

In the discussion session, an event participant, Dr. Luqman Hakim, M.Sc made an interesting suggestion. According to him, the formulation of this discussion needs to consider which aspect will be the focus point, whether it is input, process or output aspect. He gave an example of his experience during a visit to an agriculture faculty in the United States some time ago. “The faculty looks simple, but has a clear motto or slogan, namely 'The Home for Farmers'. So, now let's determine who we are 'the home' for,” explained the lecturer who is also the Head of Interest in Government Administration of FIA UB. (ALA/FIA)

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