Business Administration Course Structure


Profile of The Faculty of Administrative Sciences

Course Syllabus Data

Course NameSKSCourse DescriptionSemester
Religious Education2This course equips students with a basic understanding of religious values, ethics, and morality, as well as their application in personal and social life. Religious education is given separately to adherents of Islam, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, and Hinduism, in accordance with the religions recognized by the Indonesian state. – Description1
Kewarganegaraan2Translated as Citizenship Education, this course discusses the state system and the rights and obligations of citizens as a statesman and proud nationalist. – Description 1
Pancasila2Studying the foundation of the Indonesian state, Pancasila, as the ideological foundation in national and state life, and its application in social life.
Indonesian Language2Teaching Indonesian language skills effectively, both orally and in writing, in accordance with the language rules that apply in the academic world. – Description 2

Course NameSKSCourse DescriptionSemester
Final Project / Thesis6Guidance for students in compiling scientific papers as a graduation requirement, starting from topic selection to compiling research reports.
Community service4Students are allowed to engage in community service activities with a focus on empowering and improving the community's quality of life. Taken during semester breaks.
(Semester Break)
Entrepreneurship2Introducing the concept and process of entrepreneurship, from business ideas, development, to effective and innovative business management.
English2Improve English language skills, including speaking, writing, reading and listening in academic and professional contexts.Description1


Course NameSKSCourse DescriptionSemester
Administration Ethics3Discusses ethics and norms in public administration and business practices, as well as the moral challenges faced in the professional world.
Introduction to Organizational Studies3Examines the structure, dynamics, and functions of organizations, as well as various theories and concepts in organizational management.
Introduction to Administrative Science3An introduction to the basics of administrative science, covering the role of administration in organizations, management, and public policy.Description 2
Leadership3Teaches leadership concepts, theories, and practical skills needed to be an effective leader in a variety of organizations.

Course NameSKSCourse DescriptionSemester
Introduction to Business3Learn the basics of business, including management, finance, and corporate operations.

Course NameSKSCourse DescriptionSemester
Business Mathematics3Teaches the application of mathematical concepts in business analysis and decision making. –Description-1
Basic Accounting3Introduces basic accounting concepts, including journals, ledgers, balance sheets, and financial statements. – Description 1
Introduction to Industrial Sociology3Studying the relationship between industry and society, and its influence on social and economic change. – Description 1
Indonesian Political System3Studying the political system in Indonesia, including political institutions and the role of political actors in policy making. – Description 2
Creativity and Innovation3Explain the importance of creativity and innovation in the development of products, services, and business strategies. – Description 2
Intermediate Accounting I3Continuing from Basic Accounting with an emphasis on applying accounting principles to more complex transactions. – Description 2
Business Economics3Study the principles of micro and macro economics as they apply to the world of business and managerial decisions. – Description 2
Management information System3Discusses the use of information technology in data and information management to support managerial decisions. – Description 3
Cost accounting3Discusses the principles of calculating costs, both for production and services, and managing them to support business decisions. – Description 3
Human Resource Management3Learn the principles and strategies in managing human resources to support the achievement of organizational goals. – Description 3
Financial management3Study the principles of financial management, including cash flow management, investment, and financing in a company. – Description 3
Marketing Management3Teaches the fundamentals of marketing, including marketing strategy development, market segmentation, and consumer behavior. – Description 3
Operational Management3Learn how to manage day-to-day business operations to improve operational efficiency and effectiveness. – Description 3
International Business3Discusses business dynamics and strategies in a global context, including international trade and investment. – Description 3
Entrepreneurship Project1A learning platform designed to provide students with hands-on experience in running a business from start to finish. Unlike entrepreneurship theory courses that focus more on concepts and principles, this course emphasizes real practice in building a business.
- Description -
Business Communication3Teaches effective communication skills, both oral and written, in business and organizational contexts. – Description 4
Business Statistics3Teaches the use of statistical techniques in business data analysis to support better decision making. – Description 4
Business Modeling3Teaches how to model business processes to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of a company's operations. – Description 4
Business Performance Management3Teaches how to measure and manage company performance to achieve optimal business goals. – Description 4
Business Operations Research3Teaches the use of quantitative analysis techniques to solve problems in business operations. – Description 4
Strategy Management3Discusses the planning and implementation of business strategies to achieve competitive advantage in the market. – Description 4
Taxation3Discusses the principles of taxation and their application in a business context, including tax calculations and tax reporting. – Description 4
Research methods3Discusses various research methods used in business and management studies, including quantitative and qualitative methods. – Description –5
Introduction to Corporate Governance3Introducing the concept and practice of good corporate governance to support transparency and accountability. – Description 5
Apprenticeship4A learning activity where students are invited to dive directly into the world of work and apply the knowledge they have acquired during their studies.
- Description -

Course NameSKSCourse DescriptionSemester
Intermediate Accounting II3Continuing Intermediate Accounting I with a focus on the application of more specific accounting principles.
Advanced Financial Management3Learn advanced principles of financial management, including capital policy and investment evaluation. – Description 5
Accounting System3Discusses the use of accounting information systems to manage and report a company's financial data. – Description 6
Investment Management3Discusses investment principles, portfolios, and investment strategies to maximize returns and reduce risk.
Accounting Examination3Studying the process of examining and verifying a company's financial statements to ensure compliance with accounting standards. – Description –6
International Financial Management3Study financial management in an international context, including foreign exchange and risk management. – Ddescription –5
Advanced Cost Accounting3Learn advanced methods in costing for strategic decision making in a company. – Description –6
Advanced Financial Accounting3Teaches advanced topics in financial accounting, including business combinations and consolidated reporting.
Accounting and Finance Seminar3Study current topics in accounting and finance through discussion and presentation of research results. – Description –6
Budgeting3Studying the budget management process in a company, including planning, controlling, and evaluating financial performance. – Ddescription –6
Computerized accounting3Learn accounting software applications to automate and simplify a company’s financial processes. – Ddescription –6
Sharia Banking and Business3Discusses banking and business principles in accordance with Islamic sharia law, including risk and financial management.
Managerial Accounting3Discusses financial information that management uses for planning, controlling, and decision making. – Description 5
Consumer Behavior3Studying the factors that influence consumer behavior and how to use them in developing marketing strategies. – Description 5
Brand Management3Discusses how to build and maintain a strong brand and its impact on consumers. – Description –6
Strategic Marketing3Studying the development and implementation of market and customer oriented marketing strategies. – Description –5
Integrated Marketing Communications3Learn how to integrate various marketing communication tools to create an effective strategy. – Description –5
Distribution and Channel Marketing3Study product distribution strategies and marketing channel management to improve efficiency. – Ddescription –5
Service Marketing3Learn effective marketing strategies for the service industry and how to increase customer satisfaction through service. – Description –5
Marketing Research3Discusses research methodologies used to understand markets and consumer behavior in a marketing context. – Description –6
Digital Marketing3Discussing digital marketing strategies through various online platforms to reach a wider audience. – Ddescription –6
Global Marketing3Discusses effective marketing strategies in a competitive global business environment. – Description –6
Customer Relationship Management
3Learn customer relationship management strategies through technology and data analysis to improve customer satisfaction. – Ddescription –6
Marketing Seminars3Study current marketing issues and market trends through academic and professional discussions. – Description –6
Performance Appraisal and Rewards3Learn how to evaluate employee performance and provide fair rewards to encourage productivity. – Description –6
International HR3Discusses human resource management in an international context, including cross-cultural issues and global policies. – Description –5
Human Resource Planning and Development3Studying human resource planning and development strategies to support current and future organizational needs. – Description –5
Strategic Human Resources3Studying the strategic role of human resources in supporting long-term business goals. – Description –5
Human Resources Information System3Learn the use of information technology for effective human resource data management. – Description –6
Human Resources Research3Discusses research techniques in human resource management to identify relevant problems and solutions. – Description –6
Industrial relations3Studying the relationship between management and employees and applicable employment regulations. – Description –5
Talent Management and Development3Learn how to identify, develop and retain talent within an organization to support business success. – Description –5
Managing Work and Family Life3Learn the balance between work and family life, and strategies for achieving it. – Ddescription –6
Negotiation and Conflict Resolution3Learn negotiation and conflict resolution techniques in organizations to reach mutually beneficial solutions. – Description –6
Contemporary Human Resources3Studying current trends and issues in human resource management in a global business context. – Description –6
Information Systems Research3Studying research methodologies used to evaluate and develop information systems. – Description –6
Electronic Business3Studying information technology-based business concepts and practices, including e-commerce and digital marketing. – Description –5
Decision Making System3Discusses the use of information systems to support decision-making processes in organizations. – Ddescription –5
Database Management3Learn database management and maintenance to support company operations. – Ddescription –5
Information System Management3Studying the use and management of information systems to support organizational operations and decision making. – Description –5
Strategic Information System3Studying the role of information systems in supporting business strategy and enhancing competitive advantage. – Description –6
Business Application Practices3Learn how to apply business applications to support company operations and strategies. – Description –5
Information Technology Risk Management and Investment3Learn how to manage the risks associated with investing in information technology. – Description –5
Information Systems Project Management3Studying information systems project management from planning to implementation and evaluation. – Description –6
Information Systems Analysis and Design3Studying information system needs analysis and system design to support organizational operations. – Ddescription –6
Enterprise Resource Planning Practice3Learn best practices in implementing and using ERP systems to manage company resources efficiently. – Description –6
China's Economic Development3Studying China's economic development and its impact on the global economy and international trade. – Ddescription –5 or 6
Bankruptcy Management3Studying the causes of bankruptcy and management strategies to overcome and prevent bankruptcy in companies. – Ddescription –5 or 6
Business Feasibility Study3Studying business feasibility evaluation from various aspects, including financial, market, and technical. – Description –5 or 6
Business Planning and Development3Learn how to plan and develop a new business, from market research to business plan implementation. – Description 5 or 6
Change management3Learn how to manage change in organizations to improve adaptability and competitiveness. – Description –5 or 6
Foreign Language (German)3Introducing basic German used in formal and informal communication. – Description –5
Foreign Language (Mandarin)3Teaches basic Mandarin skills for business communication and social interaction. – Description –5
Foreign Language (Japanese)3Teaches basic Japanese language skills for everyday communication and professional environments. – Description –5
Foreign Language (French)3Teaching basic French language skills for communication in an international work environment. – Description –5
Business Strategic Analysis3Discusses strategic analysis techniques to evaluate strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in business. – Description 5 or 6
Artificial Intelligence3Introducing the basic concepts of artificial intelligence and its applications in business and management. – Description –5 or 6
Global Perspective3Discusses the economic, political, and social issues affecting global business and the role of corporations in international society. – Description –5 or 6


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