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Aldella, Student of FIA UB Wins APPI Achievement Scholarship

Students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) have made another achievement. This time, Aldella Putri Saraswati from the Library and Information Science Study Program, class of 2015, won the Indonesian Financial Companies Association (APPI) Achievement Scholarship. He explained that Aldella did not expect to get the scholarship. He admitted that he had no hope of getting a scholarship because he had previously… Read more

Cross-Department UB Delegation Wins Gold Prize at SIIF 2018

Universitas Brawijaya (UB) student delegations in cross-majors have once again colored their achievements in the international arena. This time, the team consisted of Pranaya Arya Satya (Faculty of Animal Husbandry/2015), Ahmad Ghozali (Faculty of Animal Husbandry/2016), Wenning Firda Sari (Faculty of Administrative Sciences/2015), Fidhatul Fajrika Julian (Faculty of Dentistry/2016) and Afina Muti 'ah Tuhepaly (Faculty of Dentistry/2016) won the Gold Prize in the Seoul event … Read more

FIA Wins the 1st and 2nd PPB 2018 Deputy Titles

The Delegation of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB) has once again succeeded in making the alma mater proud. The reason is, through two students, namely Gilang Pratama and Oxa Feby S, they respectively received the title of Deputy 1 and Deputy 2 Putra Putri Brawijaya (PPB) 2018. There were various stages that both Gilang and Oxa went through in PPB 2018, namely quarantine on (24/11- 25/11/2018 and 1/12-2/12/2018) to … Read more

UB's Daughter of Taxation Graduated with Cumlaude GPA

There is something interesting about the graduation of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA) Universitas Brawijaya (UB), last Saturday (11/8/2018). The reason is, in 2016 UB's Taxation Princess has officially become a Bachelor of Taxation who graduated with honors. Sifa Arsyanda, alumni of the Brawijaya University Taxation Study Program, received a Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.87. He admitted that getting the GPA was not easy. … Read more

The SEAGOV Event is Back

[:en] The international event South East Asia Governance Forum (SEAGOV) was held again in early 2018. This time, the event which was organized by the Public Administration Department of FIA UB invited Undergraduate students from various campuses in the Southeast Asia region to write papers, send them to the committee, and present selected papers on February 28 2018. Information … Read more

2017 Achievement Student Selection

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ANNOUNCEMENT The following is the schedule for the 2017 Achievement Student Selection Selection MAWAPRES Registration: January 10 – February 16, 2017 Faculty Level Selection: February 21, 2017 (time and place for the selection to follow) 4 files are made and each is included in a green stopmap (given name, NIM, PRODI and cellphone number) Requirements … Read more

Through ORKESTRA, FIA UB Sends Representatives to PIMNAS 2016

Among the 31 student teams from Universitas Brawijaya who will compete in the 2016 Student Scientific Week (PIMNAS), the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (FIA UB) managed to send one team to the Bogor Agricultural Institute, the host of the event. The team calling itself the ORCHESTRA is chaired by Wildan Avian Pratama (Business Administration/FIA) and strengthened by Dodi Irawan (Psychology/FISIP), Nadiya Maulidya (Midwifery/FK), … Read more

Wempi Naviera Wins Third Place in UB Achievement Education Staff 2015

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One of the academic operators of FIA UB, Wempi Naviera, S.AB. managed to come out as the 3rd winner in the 2015 Selection of Educators and Educational Staff with Achievement. Wempi, who works daily in the Academic Sub-Division of FIA UB as a statistics and diploma staff, managed to attract the attention of the jury consisting of a combination of lecturers in the Institute for Educational Studies and Development. … Read more

Guest Lecture on Disaster Management, BNPB Expert Staff Reveals Achievements and Problems of Disaster Management in Indonesia

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When the potential for natural disasters has been detected, it turns out that there are still many of our people who are reluctant to immediately move from their homes and move to safe places that have been provided by the government. In fact, there was a group of people who did not want to move to the point where the local regional head no longer wanted to be responsible for their safety. Interesting stories about disaster management… Read more

FIA Floods with Achievements in the Competition for UB's 52nd Anniversary

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If in several big cities there is a flood of water, then what is happening in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) is a flood of achievements. After previously being crowned as the 3rd winner in the Cleanliness Competition at UB level, now it is the turn of the educational staff to present the trophy to FIA. Still on the occasion of UB's 52nd Anniversary, several numbers … Read more

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