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The following is the ODD Semester Final Examination (UAS) Schedule for Academic Year 2023/2024 Undergraduate Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya: Odd UAS Schedule for FY 2023/2024 Department of Public Administration Odd UAS Schedule for FY 2023 Public Administration Study Program Odd UAS Schedule for FY 2023 Library Science Study Program Schedule Odd UAS FY 2023 Educational Administration Study Program Department of Business Administration Schedule ... Read more


To all students of Class 2016, 2017 and 2018, Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University (PSIP FIA UB). We hope you are in good condition and enthusiastic in completing your studies at PSIP FIA UB. As a step to ensure optimal quality of education and learning experience, we invite you to attend evaluation activities... Read more

Open Registration: National Youth Competition 3.0

Hello, Indonesian students👋 Do you have any ideas, thoughts or works? Are you ready to compete at the national level? The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya organizes: NATIONAL YOUTH COMPETITION 3.0 The National Youth Competition (NYC) is one of dozens of student agendas at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) to improve and explore the potential and achievements of students in ... Read more

Open Registration for CRAYON 2023

" 𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘮𝘣𝘶𝘩a𝘯 𝘜𝘔𝘒𝘔” Crayon Project 2023 MSME Empowerment Program by Entrepreneurship & Innovation Laboratory (Ei Lab), Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, is back with a vision to help and develop MSMEs throughout Malang Raya🤩✨ ‼️𝐁𝐞𝐫 𝐛 lol ‼️ – Knowledge, directions and strategies to survive progressively and adaptively – Accelerators for selected MSMEs … Read more

FIA UB MBKM Handbook 2023

Independent Campus Learning Guidelines published based on the Dean's Decree Number: 192 of 2021. This book was published in order to accelerate the dissemination of information about matters related to Independent Campus Learning Freedom at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya Malang. The Independent Campus Learning Guideline is an elaboration of the implementation of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System; … Read more

Submission of Even Semester Academic Terminal for Academic Year 2022/2023

In connection with the end of this semester, for students who will apply for an academic terminal, the deadline for submissions is 14 July 2023 at 12.00 WIB. Exceeding this time will not be processed considering the stages that must be passed so that the process can be completed. The submission form can be seen here: Thank you, Academic Section of FIA UB

UB Community Satisfaction Survey

In order to improve the quality of faculty services, let the academic community and the community participate in providing an assessment of the quality of service that has been experienced at the level of study programs, departments, faculties or work units at Brawijaya University in 2022 via the following link: - Survey link https:/ / Your assessment is very useful for improving UB's services during the … Read more

Even Semester Supplementary Examination for the 2022/2023 Fiscal Year

ANNOUNCEMENT It is hereby conveyed that in connection with the implementation of the Even Semester Final Examination for the 2022/2023 Fiscal Year, registration for the follow-up exam will be carried out no later than 2 (two) days after the intended exam schedule. Submission of the Supplementary Examination is carried out by filling out the attached form, enclosing a self-compiled application letter, accompanied by accountable evidence. The follow-up examination is carried out according to the agreement between... Read more


ANNOUNCEMENT No. 7262/UN10.F03.01/PP/2023 BETWEEN SEMESTER 2023 FACULTY OF ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCES BRAWIJAYA UNIVERSITY Announcement of Even Intermediate Semester 2022/2023 GENERAL The Intermediate Semester Program is a lecture program that is held during the Even Semester holidays. The Intermediate Semester Program aims to provide an opportunity for students to improve the grades of courses that have been taken and/or new courses that have been set… Read more

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