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Kidz Glowing 2013

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FIA UB, Kidz Glowing Committee. In the context of the 53rd Anniversary of FIA UB on 13-14 November 2013, a Kidz Glowing 2013 event will be held. Furthermore, in this event, there will be historical witnesses who will be the winners of the 2013 National English Olympics, Kidz Glowing 2013. On this occasion, the Administration English Club (AEC) is back … Read more

Graduation Participants Period III Academic Year 2013/2014 Undergraduate Program

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The following are the names of the 2013/2014 Period III Graduation Participants who have registered as of September 18, 2013. Graduation participants who have not completed or completed their obligations are to report immediately to the Student Affairs Subdivision no later than September 26, 2013 at 14.00 WIB. Thank you, Student Affairs Subdivision 1 ANGANTYO ADI 0910320205 Business Administration 2 ASTRID AMANDA … Read more


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Indonesian Young Administrator (AdMI) is a research-based communication forum. This year it will be held by Brawijaya Malang University with the Grand Theme "Development Policy Based on Local Excellence Potential". TEMU AdMI 2013 was organized by HUMANISTIC Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya. On 22-25 September 2013 which will be attended by the Mayor of Malang, Head of LAN, Bappenas, and the Office of … Read more

PKK MABA FIA Android 2013

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Notified to new students of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya for the 2013/2014 academic year who have re-registered, they are expected to attend the Crisis Center PKK MABA FIA UB 2013. A. Name of Activity "Welcome ANDROID" (Entrepreneur Event for Religious Organizational Religious Education and Culture) B. Time and Place of Activity Date: 30 and 31 August 2013 Place: Prof. Building. … Read more

Halal Bihalal Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya Malang

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FIA UB, HUMAS- On Tuesday, 13 August 2013 all the big families, Lecturers and Employees of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya Malang (FIA UB) held a series of Halal Bihalal events in commemoration of Idul Fitri 1 Syawal 1434H. The event started at 10.00 WIB and took place in the hall room of building A FIA UB. The series of events that… Read more

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