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FIA UB Student Team Wins 1st Place in Honda WOW Case Competition 2015

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In the final round of the Honda WOW Case Competition, Wednesday (27/5), the FIA UB student team led by Puspa Ratnaningrum, Muhammad Nur Ilham, and Allisya Puspita Dewi (all three from the Department of Business Administration) succeeded in making history as First Place. This event is a series of "Indonesia Marketers Festival" events resulting from collaboration between Astra Honda Motor and MarkPlus, Inc. This competition itself aims to find talented marketers of the future.

Pemberian Gelar Juara oleh Astra dan MarkPlus Inc
Awarding of Champion Title by Astra and MarkPlus Inc

Taking place at the Radio Republik Indonesia Auditorium Surabaya, Puspa, Ilham, and Allisya who are members of the Pioneer team had to compete fiercely with four other finalist teams, each from Trunojoyo Madura University (2 teams), Airlangga University, and another team from Brawijaya University . In the final round, each team had to present their best work to a panel of judges consisting of representatives of Astra Honda Motor and MarkPlus, Inc. Meanwhile, the announcement of the winners was made on the following day which coincided with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the founding of MarkPlus, Inc and included a seminar from the Founder and CEO of MarkPlus, Inc Hermawan Kartajaya. (ALA/FIA)

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