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Thesis Submission Scheme

As part of the course, undergraduate students are required to complete a final assignment in the form of a thesis or scientific paper made by students. Thesis is a scientific paper written by students in accordance with scientific rules and ethics, and guided by lecturers who are experts in their fields. This thesis is a marker of students' ability to apply knowledge, technology, art, or humanities in a specific scientific field

To improve service to students, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences has introduced a digital-based Information System for the Faculty of Administrative Sciences (SIFIA). SIFIA is an application that has been built to provide academic administrative services for students. This application includes activities such as thesis registration, internships, proposal seminars, thesis examinations, and graduation. In this application, students can carry out various academic administrative activities online.

Following are instructions regarding the thesis submission process that can be done through SIFIA.

Submission of Topic Proposals, Outlines and Advisory Committee:
1. Students Login to the Thesis Flow System online on the page ( (SIFIA).
2. Students enter the Thesis Title Registration Menu.
3. Students upload 2 (two) research outline titles in PDF format.
4. Students upload an Academic Certificate (SKA) (can be downloaded on the FIA website on the download menu).
5. Students upload Study Plan Cards (KRS) and Study Result Cards (KHS ) which mention programming thesis.
6. Registration will be checked by the Head of Academic Subdivision.
7. If you pass the check by the Head of Academic Subdivision, then the Advisor will be determined by the Head of the Study Program (KPS).
8. Students seek approval from the Supervisor appointed by KPS, the supervisor will approve via the link provided by SIFIA via email. (Form F3).
9. If the supervising lecturer does not agree, the student must repeat the registration again and change the title (Press the Cancel Button on the Registration Table). The supervisor's approval can be found by clicking Form F4.
10. For supervisors who have agreed, a Letter of Assignment will be made which is signed by the Dean through the system (Format F5).

With this thesis submission scheme, it is hoped that students can go through the thesis submission process more smoothly. More detailed information can be seen in the latest Thesis Writing Guidebook and further information can be seen on the prodiadbisofficial Instagram account.

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