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Farewell, Mr. M. Saleh Soe'aidy

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FIA UB lost one of its best sons. One of the senior lecturers in the Department of Public Administration, Dr. Muhammad Saleh Soe'aidy, MA, breathed his last on Thursday, August 20 2015, at 15.10 WIB at Saiful Anwar Hospital (RSSA) Malang. The deceased died after being treated at the RSSA ICU for three days after being suddenly rushed to the RSSA emergency room due to a stroke. Yesterday evening (20/8) the body was immediately buried at the Tirtomoyo TPU, Blimbing, after the Isha prayer and funeral prayer at the Muhajirin Mosque which is in the deceased's housing complex in Pondok Blimbing Indah. Yesterday's funeral home was attended by hundreds of families, relatives, neighbors and colleagues of the deceased at FIA UB.

Before departing for the funeral, the local pillar of death held a funeral ceremony which was attended by all the devotees present. Starting his remarks, Head of RW.05 Polowijen Urban Village Sugeng Santoso revealed that during his lifetime the deceased deserved to be a role model for local residents. He, said Sugeng, was a simple man who was always ready to help the people. "Pak Saleh is an exemplary figure, never refuses when asked for help or contributions of ideas for residents," he said.

Dekan FIA UB memberi sambutan dalam pelepasan jenazah almarhum Saleh Soe'aidy
The Dean of FIA UB gave a speech at the release of the body of the late Saleh Soe'aidy

Meanwhile, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS, who also had the opportunity to give a speech, said that Saleh is a good lecturer and has served in UB for 35 years. "One thing we need to convey is that Mr. Saleh Soe'aidy is a lecturer who is devout in worship and full of dedication in his work," said the Dean. The dean also advised the family of the deceased to always be patient with this tragedy. "As taught in our religion, when we are hit by a disaster, we must be patient. And if we get pleasure, then we should be grateful," said the Dean.

The body of the deceased was prayed for three times, namely twice while the body was still at the funeral home after the Maghrib prayer and once with a larger congregation at the Muhajirin Mosque after the Isha prayer. After that, the body was taken to the Tirtomoyo Cemetery by using an ambulance and hundreds of devotees followed behind in their respective vehicles. (ALA/FIA)

Jenazah almarhum diangkat ke dalam mobil ambulans untuk diberangkatkan ke pemakaman
The body of the deceased was lifted into an ambulance to be taken to the cemetery
Mobil jenazah yang mengangkut jenazah Saleh Soe'aidy
The hearse carrying Saleh Soe'aidy's body

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