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Commemorating the 63rd Anniversary, FIA UB Holds a Healthy Walk

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In celebration of the 63rd Anniversary, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a series of events yesterday, Saturday (7/10). Starting from a healthy walk with leaders, lecturers, education staff and new students, continued to the tumpengan and the inauguration of the "Food Corner" and the work gallery belonging to Dharma WanitaSatu (DWP) FIA UB. The healthy walk was launched directly by the Dean of FIA UB.

In his speech, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Drs. Andy Fefta Wijaya, MDA., Ph.D said that this year's anniversary slogan was a modification from last year's. Previously, the slogan was SAE (Strong, Agile, Enthusiastic), now it has become SAE POL (Powerful, Optimistic, Leadership). According to the Dean, this slogan describes the mission that FIA UB wants to achieve at the age of 63. "Now we come up with the word 'Leadership' which is actually the core of what is taught at FIA UB," said the Dean.

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