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Opening of PK2MABA FIA UB 2016

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During their studies at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), students are actually carrying out the mandate from their parents at home to achieve success in life. Therefore, students are asked to always keep in mind the dream of succeeding accompanied by noble character.

That is the message conveyed by the Dean, Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, MS in the Opening Ceremony of PK2MABA 2016/2017 at the Parking Lot of FIA UB, Wednesday (31/8). In the event, professors, faculty leaders, lecturers, and educational staff from FIA UB were present. The event began with a speech by the Chief Executive of PK2MABA FIA UB 2016, the President of BEM FIA UB, and the Dean. In his speech, the Dean also had the opportunity to introduce all the leadership and lecturers as well as educational staff officials at FIA UB.

Dekan mengalungkan tanda peserta PK2MABA kepada perwakilan peserta
The dean put the PK2MABA participant's sign on the participant's representative

The event was closed by handing over PK2MABA FIA UB 2016 participant cards by the Dean symbolically to the participant representatives. After that, the Dean also performed the beating of the gong and the release of balloons for FIA UB New Students to mark the start of the PK2MABA activities for the two days.

Peserta PK2MABA 2016 diajak menyanyikan mars PK2MABA bersama-sama
PK2MABA 2016 participants were invited to sing the PK2MABA march together

In the PK2MABA FIA UB 2016 activity, there were 1,136 participants, 1,127 of whom were new students and the remaining 9 were old students who had not passed the previous PK2MABA period.


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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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