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2024 FIA UB PKM-KKN Student Release: Hopes and Prayers Accompany the Steps of Service

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Friday, June 28, 2024, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University held a release event for the class of 2022 students who will take part in the Real Work Lecture (KKN) program. This solemn event marked the start of student service in various villages in the Malang Regency area. The spirit of community service colors the morning at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Brawijaya University.

This event was attended by student representatives from each village which will be the location of service and the presence of Field Supervisor Lecturers (DPL) as well as representatives of the Malang Secretariat. Their presence is proof of their full commitment and support for the FIA UB KKN program. This is a symbol of the commitment and enthusiasm of the students and supervisors to contribute to advancing these villages.

The release event began with a prayer speech from Aulia Luqman Aziz SS., S.Pd., M.Pd. who offered prayers so that the entire series of FIA UB PKM-KKN activities would run smoothly and be full of blessings.

The next speech was delivered by the Head of KKN FIA UB, Muhammad Rizky Pratama S.IAN., MPA. He expressed his hope that this year's FIA UB KKN could provide real benefits for village communities. He also advised the students to always collaborate with various parties in the village and work with enthusiasm.

Bakesbangpol Malang Regency, Drs. Kasiyanto, MM expressed his pride for the dedication of the 2024 FIA UB KKN students. He emphasized that in this digital era, with easy access to information and technology, students have a great opportunity to design innovative KKN programs that have a real impact on villagers. In this modern era, village progress is not only measured by infrastructure and economic prosperity, but also by good and structured governance. Implementing Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) in villages is the key to making this happen. Implementing SOPs in villages is a real step towards creating an advanced, independent and prosperous village. With SOPs, villages can be managed more professionally, transparently and accountably, so they are able to provide the best service for the entire community.

In the next series, Drs. Dwi Ilham Prastyanto as Secretary of the Malang Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service. He said that in today's digital era, implementing KKN has become easier because access to information and communication has become smoother. He said that digital technology could be used by students to advance KKN programs in service villages. This can be done in various ways, such as creating a village website or social media, and also utilizing e-commerce platforms to help market village products.

He also advised students from various regions to respect and understand each other's customs. He reminded that each village has its own uniqueness and potential, so students must be able to adapt and make contributions according to the village's needs.

Arik Prasetya, S.Sos., M.Si., Ph.D as deputy dean I of FIA UB said that the release of FIA UB KKN students was a form of FIA UB's commitment to implementing the Tri Dharma of Higher Education, namely education, research and service to public. It is hoped that through this KKN, students can apply the knowledge they have acquired in college and provide real benefits to village communities. This year's PKM-KKN FIA UB carries the theme "Strengthening Government Governance and Local Village Economy". The students will carry out various work programs which are expected to help improve community welfare and improve the economy in service villages.

At the end of the PKM-KKN FIA UB student release ceremony, the sound of a gong echoed throughout the room. The sound of the gong marks the end of the release event with joy and optimism. Loud cheers and applause from the participants accompanied the FIA UB KKN students who were preparing to serve in the villages. Faces full of enthusiasm and determination radiated from the students, ready to make a real contribution to the village community.

The faculty of administrative sciences has great hopes for the 2024 FIA UB KKN students to become agents of change and bring progress to the villages where they serve. It is believed that their tenacity, fresh ideas and innovative spirit will be able to bring villages in Malang Regency more advanced and prosperous.

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