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Integrate Modern Technologies in Library and Archive Sciences

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In ancient times, people only knew carriages, gigs, or rickshaws as the main means of transportation. However, thanks to the great influence of technological developments, now many people rely on online taxis such as Grab, Uber, and GoCar. Likewise with the field of library and archival science, which certainly cannot be separated from the influence of modern technology. Then what is the integration between library and archival skills with the latest technology?

This question became part of an interesting discussion at the International Seminar entitled "The Roles of Archives and Libraries in Nation Building: An Information Governance Perspective”. The international level activity is an annual routine agenda of the Library Science Study Program, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) in the framework of scientific enrichment. In the event which was held in the Hall of Building A FIA UB 4th Floor, three speakers from three countries were presented, respectively Sherwood Wilson McCaskie (Head of Archive & Information Department, Caribbean Broadcasting Corporation, Barbados), Putu Laxman Pendid PhD (Researcher from Royal Melbourne Information Technology University, Australia), and Dr. Ratih Nur Pratiwi MSi (Head of the FIA UB Library Science Study Program).

FIA UB Dean Prof. Bambang Supriyono (second from the right) gives a souvenir to Sherwood Wilson McCaskie (second from the left)

In his speech, the Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono expressed the importance of holding this activity. According to the Dean, archives are needed in various aspects of life, including in matters of state administration and business administration, both in the government and private sectors. The Dean hopes that participants consisting of students and library and archival activists can create new innovations in their fields by utilizing technology. “Technological development is inevitable. So the library and archives sector must take advantage of this for better development," said the Dean.

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