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Take a look at the Merdeka Campus Program, Come on! Part. 1

The Merdeka Campus seems familiar to MABIS. However, does MABIS know that the Merdeka Campus program is not only limited to MSIB – Internship, MSIB – Independent Study, and Student Exchange? Let's take a look at five of the nine main programs of the Merdeka Campus!

1. Teaching Campus

The Teaching Campus is a program that facilitates students, at least in semester 4, to be able to become partner teachers at the nearest school from the domicile recommended by the Merdeka Campus. In this program, students are expected to be able to practice their ability to solve complex problems, innovate in learning, develop strategies, and develop creative, innovative, and fun learning models. 

For MABIS who are interested in education and want to contribute to improving the quality of education better, MABIS can try to register for this program which has been open from 8 May - 4 June 2023!

Information regarding the terms and conditions of registration, MABIS can directly access to 


2. MSIB – Internship

MABIS must be familiar with this one program. The Merdeka Campus facilitates students at least in semester 5 from PTN and PTS to be able to start a career in various companies in Indonesia, starting from corporate, manufacturing, FMCG, banking, start-up, BUMN, and so on. 

To be accepted at the company, MABIS can prepare several important documents in accordance with the terms and conditions of registration which can be accessed via the following link and it is mandatory to fill out a diversity survey as one of the mandatory conditions for being accepted at a company partner. 

So, this program is suitable for MABIS who want to organize a career, experience work experience, and expand connections. Registration for the MSIB – Internship program has been opened from 18 April 2023 – 7 June 2023.

Let's look at some of the testimonials from MABIS who took part in the MSIB – Internship Batch 3 and 4!

Tired because the distance from home to office is far, but it feels like because you can meet new people, learn a lot of new things, and get a salary!” – Shafa Putri Aurelia, Ex-Product and Marketing Intern at BNI.

“Someone told me that if MSIB has fun, there is also fatigue. Starting from disbelief, until finally I myself felt tired of doing internships, yes, because PP Bogor-Jakarta happens every day HAHA.

But all of that is very worth the knowledge gained. Why? Because many value” what I got at Telkomsel as a Market Analytics Intern every day, where I can networking lintas generasi, banyak belajar hal baru khususnya mengenai pengolahan dan visualisasi data, menganalisis potensi market business channels to increase sales, until business processes here. Besides, here we are given free Udemy course access to support knowledge and appropriate competence roles what we take. Final, mentor & division cool and not stingy to share knowledge which makes me routine to do daily-weekly presentation with a mentor to see how far the progress of the project I'm working on.

So, for those of you who are interested, don't forget to apply for Telkomsel at MSIB batch 5!” – Jemmy Pratama, Market Analytics Intern Telkomsel Batch 4

What are you waiting for? Let's challenge yourself now!


3. MSIB – Independent Study

This program is suitable for MABIS who wish to explore and master specific, practical competencies needed in future industries. Merdeka Campus partners with institutions where this program not only provides theoretical knowledge, but is also able to provide experience by giving participants the opportunity to work on real projects that can hone hard skills And soft skills. MABIS can register for the MSIB – Independent Study program from 18 April 2023 – 7 June 2023.

MABIS also needs to prepare several documents as terms and conditions of registration which can be accessed via the link and it is mandatory to fill out a diversity survey as one of the mandatory conditions for being accepted at a company partner. 

Let's look at the testimonials from MABIS who took part in the MSIB – Batch 4 Independent Study!

“Independent studies are really exciting because we can learn a lot new thing! But MABIS is necessary do some research first Yes, regarding partners and studies that you want to take so that learning is more comfortable” – Celindita Sinaga, Product Management Intern Binar Academy Batch 4

What are you waiting for? Come on, register now and challenge yourself to do a real project!

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