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New Concentration of Business Administration Study Program to Meet the Needs of the World of Work

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) continues to innovate in terms of educational curriculum development. With this innovation, the output of the educational curriculum in various study programs under FIA UB can meet the needs of the world of work, as is done by the Business Administration Study Program (PSIAB). Starting from the 2015/2016 academic year, the study program which has just maintained an “A” accreditation from BAN PT will open four new concentrations to suit the needs of today's business world. The four new concentrations are Strategic Management, Entrepreneurship, Retail Goods Supply Chain Management (Retail Supply Chain Management), And Real Estate. The four concentrations complement the four existing concentrations, namely Marketing, Human Resources (HR), Management Information Systems (MIS), and Business Finance.

Daftar Konsentrasi Baru PSIAB dan Mata Kuliahnya
List of New PSIAB Concentrations and Their Courses

In concentration Strategic Management, students will study sustainable management of companies, both small and large scale companies, through accurate calculations, effective and efficient implementation of work plans, as well as periodic monitoring of evaluation of performance outcomes. In their future workplaces, students who graduate from this concentration can take on roles as Strategic Consultants or Strategic Planners, human resource managers or marketing equity analysts, as well as in the field of investment management or management of other areas such as marketing, finance, information technology, or human resources. man.

Meanwhile, in concentration Entrepreneurship, students will learn a lot about how to create entrepreneurial opportunities, evaluate the financial adequacy of a company, form a team, build a business model, build relationships with colleagues and consumers, while at the same time generating new business ideas. Students studying in this concentration will be encouraged to think and act within an entrepreneurial framework both in the academic sphere and through direct learning from current phenomena in the business world.

In concentration Retail Goods Supply Chain Management, students will be trained to work in areas related to the supply of goods, from planning and scheduling, preparing logistics, distribution of goods, production of goods, process design and service, contract negotiations, store operations, to sales. The areas covered in this concentration are highly demanded in all companies, including service companies, profit-oriented organizations (profit-oriented), as well as non-profit organizations.

Finally, in concentration Real Estate, students will be prepared to work in the real estate sector which includes three main work areas, namely residential real estate (residential), commercial (commercial), and industry (industrial). Apart from that, students will also study a lot of other fields that support real estate development, including legal principles, the use of technology, as well as economics and financial markets.

In order for PSIAB students to become more familiar with these four new concentrations, in the near future the head of PSIAB will organize a socialization. (ALA/FIA)

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