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Collaboration between EI Lab FIA UB and ETU Malang State Polytechnic

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In an effort to support entrepreneurship, the EI FIA UB Laboratory and ETU Malang State Polytechnic work together


Malang—On June 10 2023, the EI Lab team from the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) made an important visit to the ETU (Entrepreneurship Training Business Incubator) secretariat of the Malang State Polytechnic. The aim of this visit is to build working relationships that can inspire and encourage innovation in the world of entrepreneurship. The collaboration between EI Lab FIA UB and ETU Malang State Polytechnic aims to encourage students and the general public to become entrepreneurs. In this spirited meeting, the two teams talked about ways to help share knowledge, resources and experiences while helping startups and creative businesses grow.

The Dean of FIA UB stated that this collaboration is very important to develop the entrepreneurial environment in the city of Malang and the surrounding area. They are very enthusiastic about the potential of this collaboration. According to him, this will help provide valuable opportunities for young entrepreneurs to develop ideas and realize their dreams in the business world. "We believe that this collaboration will enrich the experience and knowledge of both our students and students from FIA UB. "This is a positive first step to create a stronger entrepreneurial ecosystem in this city," said the Head of ETU, Malang State Polytechnic.

It is hoped that this collaboration will be very beneficial for students, beginners and entrepreneurs who want to start or develop their business. This will include a variety of activities, such as entrepreneurship training, business mentoring, and business idea development. EI Lab FIA UB and ETU Malang State Polytechnic hope to play an active role in creating a generation that is brave, creative and innovative in facing challenges in the business world by combining resources and a shared vision.

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