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Ministry of Religion with RCCP FIA UB Held Functional Planning Training Hand-in-hand

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The Centre of Education and Training (Pusdiklat) Administrative Staff of Research and Development and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religion along with the Research Centre for Conflict and Policy (RCCP) of Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Brawijaya, carried out the signing process of the First Expert Planner Functional Training Cooperation’s agreement on Monday, 20th February 2023.

The signing of this cooperation agreement was carried out by Dr. H. Syafi'I, M.Ag as the Head of the Center for Administrative Training of the Research and Development and Training Agency of the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia and Dr. Wilopo, M.AB as the Head of RCCP FIA UB.

The target to be achieved in the First Expert Planner Functional Training is to improve the quality of First Expert Planners so that they can increase productivity, professionalism and competence in their duties and also of course improve the quality of planning at the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia.

The signing of this cooperation agreement is expected to increase the synergy between the Center for Education and Training of the Ministry of Religion and RCCP FIA UB so as to provide benefits for both agencies. The signing of this cooperation agreement is an update from the previous one which has been going on since 2018 so that it can become an umbrella for collaborative activities that will be carried out by the two agencies in the future.

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