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FIA UB Strengthens Cooperation with Bank BTPN in MSME Assistance

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB), strengthens cooperation with Bank BTPN through the "Sahabat Daya University (SDU)" program. The program which involves students in assisting MSME actors will enter its 2nd year in 2017. In order to strengthen this collaboration, the leadership of Bank BTPN visited the Entrepreneurship and Innovation Laboratory, a laboratory under the Department of Business Administration which was mandated to oversee this collaboration.

Bank BTPN staff provide mentoring materials to MSME companion students

The SDU program itself is a program that aims to empower MSME players, including retirees and pre-productive families who are customers of Bank BTPN, to gain wider online market access. In addition, student volunteers involved in this program also assist these targets with technical guidance regarding microfinance recording. With the knowledge and insights shared, Bank BTPN hopes to improve the quality of business and life carried out by its customers, so that it will also have an impact on the country's economy more broadly.

Bank BTPN with students and lecturers of FIA UB taking a group photo

Assistance provided to MSME business actors by students is routinely carried out at least twice a month, for four months. During the visit, a team of students accompanied by a lecturer from the Department of Business Administration opened a space for discussion, as well as evaluating the readiness of business actors to enter the online market. At each visit, a report written on a visit control card will be submitted to Bank BTPN.

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