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FIA UB Ranked First in UB's Quality Internal Audit Results 2014

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) was ranked first in the Quality Internal Audit of the Academic Implementation Work Unit (AIM UKPA) Cycle 13 of 2014. The results of the internal audit conducted by the UB Quality Assurance Center (PJM) stated that FIA UB had fulfilled as many as 89% of the 61 quality standard items set by UB, some of which are education management, research, community service, and organizational management. This indicates that FIA UB continuously strives to improve its institutional quality for the best service for the entire academic community.

FIA UB di Peringkat Pertama Hasil AIM UKPA 2014
FIA UB is in First Place in the 2014 AIM UKPA Results

Assistant Dean I Dr. MR Khairul Muluk expressed his gratitude for this achievement. According to him, from year to year, FIA UB always experiences an increase in quality in every AIM UKPA implementation and the peak is in the 13th cycle of 2014. All work units and leaders within the scope of FIA UB, continued Muluk, have worked hard until FIA UB is successful. meets most of UB's quality standards. “There are several faculties that from year to year are often ranked first. "This time, FIA UB is contributing to this healthy competition for the sake of the best service for the academic community," said the man who is also an expert on regional autonomy.

In AIM UKPA, other work units are also not spared from assessment, namely from the department level, study program, to laboratories under the study program. For the laboratory category, four laboratories under FIA UB have succeeded in meeting more than 75% quality standard items, namely the Organization Laboratory (95%), Leadership Laboratory (89%), SIM Laboratory (84%), and Policy Laboratory (79% ). In the future, FIA UB will continue to improve its institutional quality in order to realize its vision of becoming an administrative science development institution that is recognized and has international standards. (ALA/FIA)

Peringkat AIM UKPA untuk Laboratorium di bawah FIA UB
AIM UKPA ranking for laboratories under FIA UB

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