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FIA UB Delegation Also Attends ASEAN Marketing Summit

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FIA UB has the honor to attend the ASEAN Marketing Summit in Jakarta, Friday (9/10). The delegation led directly by the Rector of UB and accompanied by all faculty deans, heads of departments, and several lecturers from the Department of Business Administration were present at the annual event held by MarkPlus, Inc. The annual event is a prestigious event in the ASEAN-wide marketing world for marketing practitioners, academics and representatives of large companies in the ASEAN region. FIA UB is one of only two campuses that were invited to witness the event.

On that occasion, the promotion team from FIA UB also introduced the ASEAN Espriex Business Model Competition (BMC) which will be held in next February. The event which will be attended by students from various universities in ASEAN will seek a winner to be sent as an ASEAN representative in the 2016 International Business Model Competition held at Harvard University, United States. This event is also an opportunity for the UB FIA team to collaborate with several large companies that were also invited there.

Hermawan Kartajaya menjelaskan aktivitas MarkPlus Inc kepada Rektor UB
Hermawan Kartajaya explained the activities of MarkPlus Inc to UB Rector
Tim FIA UB menjelaskan tentang BMC kepada Direktur Nanyang Technological Center
The UB FIA team explained about BMC to the Director of the Nanyang Technological Center
Tim FIA UB berbincang dengan Hermawan Kartajaya, Founder MarkPlus Inc
UB FIA team talks with Hermawan Kartajaya, Founder of MarkPlus Inc
Prof Philip Kotler, pakar pemasaran dunia, menyampaikan ceramah tentang pemasaran
Prof Philip Kotler, world marketing expert, delivered a lecture on marketing

Coverage Team:

Article: Aulia Luqman Aziz

Photo: UB FIA Team 


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