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Discussing the Law on Pilkada, FIA UB Invites DPR Members and Government Experts in a National Workshop

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The Laboratory of Politics and Governance, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held a National Workshop which discussed a debate that is still ongoing today in the national political space, namely Law no. 22 of 2014 concerning the Election of Governors, Regents and Mayors on Monday (1/12). The laboratory, which is under the Department of Public Administration, presents competent figures to discuss this issue, including Abdul Hakim Naja (Chair of the DPR RI Regional Election Bill Working Committee), Haryadi (FISIP Lecturer, Airlangga University), and MR Khairul Muluk (Administration Expert Government).

Prof. Bambang Supriyono (ketiga dari kiri), Abdul Hakim Naja (keempat dari kiri), Luqman Hakim (ketiga dari kanan), M.R. Khairul Muluk (kedua dari kanan), Haryadi (kanan)
Prof. Bambang Supriyono (third from left), Abdul Hakim Naja (fourth from left), Luqman Hakim (third from right), MR Khairul Muluk (second from right), Haryadi (right)

According to Prof. Bambang Supriyono, Dean of FIA UB, this event is very interesting and useful for students and anyone who follows developments regarding the procedures for Regional Head Elections (Pilkada). Although students at FIA UB are more educated to enter the level managerial approach, they also still have to know legal approach from the debate about this system to create a just and prosperous country. "Therefore, please explain from gentlemen which one is best in accordance with the essence of the people, for the people, and by the people," he said.

At the event moderated by Dr. Luqman Hakim, who is also the Head of the Bachelor of Government Administration Study Program, Haryadi explained more about the advantages of Direct Pilkada compared to Indirect Pilkada. According to the man who is also part of the Jokowi-JK Government Transition Team, direct regional elections fulfill the basic principles of democracy itself, namely the participation of the whole people in determining their own leaders. Meanwhile, Abdul Hakim Naja reviewed the journey of procedures for selecting and appointing regional heads in Indonesia since the Old Order era. According to the PAN faction member, indirect elections are not a violation of the constitution. In fact, in 1957, President Soekarno revoked the law regulating direct regional elections and replaced them with regional elections through people's representatives in the DPRD.

(Ki-ka) Abdul Hakim Naja, M.R. Khairul Muluk, Luqman Hakim, dan Haryadi
(L-R) Abdul Hakim Naja, MR Khairul Muluk, Luqman Hakim, and Haryadi

In the next session, MR Khairul Muluk revealed that Direct Pilkada had several weaknesses in its implementation, including cost inefficiency. From his observations, as much as 10-20% APBD was used only for regional head elections. Even in East Java, the last gubernatorial election cost up to IDR 1 trillion. Apart from that, local elite patronage is still very strong, namely absolute support from local or national elites accompanied by "bondage" or "compensation" for regional development projects if a candidate wins. Then, at this time, our voters still tend to be pragmatic, so direct regional elections are needed middle class which is sturdy. "In the past, I supported Direct Regional Elections, but looking at the latest developments, its implementation needs to be evaluated more deeply," added the man who also serves as Assistant Dean for Academic Affairs at FIA UB. (ALA/FIA)

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