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Discussing the Problems of TKI at FIA UB, Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia in Malaysia Reveals a New Mindset in Manpower Management

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All the heartbreaking problems related to our migrant workers abroad would not have happened if we could change old thought patterns that actually weakened us. This statement was made by Hermono, Deputy Ambassador of the Republic of Indonesia to Malaysia, when attending a Focus Group Discussion on Indonesian Employment Management, Friday (5/12). The activity, which was organized by the Public Administration Department of FIA UB, took place in the Seminar Room, Building B, FIA UB, 2nd Floor and was attended by lecturers, students and representatives of labor management institutions.

Prof Bambang Supriyono (tengah) bersama Hermono (kiri) dan Chaerul Saleh (kanan)
Prof Bambang Supriyono (center) with Hermono (left) and Chaerul Saleh (right)
Peserta Focus Group Discussion
Focus Group Discussion participants

Hermono revealed that the spirit of "Mental Revolution" initiated by President Joko Widodo must be able to change the mindset of workforce management from "conventional wisdom" going to "new paradigm”. The old mindset that weakens us is the idea that sending workers abroad is solely based on economic motives, such as increasing foreign exchange and reducing unemployment. Meanwhile, a new mindset that needs to be developed is sending TKI as a means of improving the quality of human resources, protecting human dignity, and as a tool for state diplomacy. "The old mindset will make us always feel like we need other countries, so that our position becomes weak," he said.

Furthermore, Hermono revealed that currently there are around 3 million Indonesian workers in Malaysia. They are spread across various areas of Malaysia's development, so that Malaysia really needs us. However, it is the old mindset that keeps us weak as we are now. “This is made worse by the existence of Law no. 39 of 2004 which is more pro-placement with high turnover and ignores the element of protection for them," he said. He hopes that the bill on employment that is being discussed by the DPR can change this mindset.

Hermono (tengah) sedang memaparkan gagasannya
Hermono (center) is presenting his ideas

Dean of FIA UB Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono in his speech asked Hermono to explain his role reform agents in employment and how its role compares in developed and developing countries. Apart from that, Bambang hopes that with Hermono's presentation, students can see objectively the problem of migrant workers. "So far what has beenblow up "It's just the conflict, even though there is also a lot of harmonization considering that these two countries are both Malay and Muslim," said this friendly professor. (ALA/FIA)

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