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DPR RI Expertise Agency Collaborates with Library Science Study Program to Discuss Law No. 4 of 1990

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) has guests from the DPR RI Expertise Body, Tuesday (29/11). They are here in order to organize Focus Group Discussions (FGD) on "Data Collection on Amendments to Law No. 4 of 1990 concerning Handover of Printed and Recorded Works. Also attending the activity which was held in the Seminar Room of Building B, FIA UB, 2nd floor, was the Head of the Library Science Study Program, Dr. Ratih Nur Pratiwi, MSi, along with the lecturers who taught in the study program. 

(Ki-ka) Achmad Muchaddam, Dr Sri Mangesti Rahayu MSi, Ratih Nur Pratiwi
(Left-right) Achmad Muchaddam, Dr Sri Mangesti Rahayu MSi, Ratih Nur Pratiwi

Seven members of the DPR RI Expertise Body attended, led by Dr. Achmad Muchaddam SAg MA. According to Muchaddam, his team was given a mandate by Commission X of the DPR RI in charge of Education and Culture to discuss changes to this law. According to Muchaddam, the DPR RI sees the importance of changing this law because it is not in accordance with the times. "Today is the era of the millennial generation who are familiar with information technology, so this law needs to be adapted to the current situation," explained the man who has worked in the DPR RI since 1997.

Meanwhile, Lecturer in the Library Science Study Program Welmin Sunyi Ariningsih said that socialization of this law was lacking, regardless of his age which had reached 16 years. According to Welmin, currently there are still many publishers who are not aware of this law. In fact, he had to take steps that actually violated this law while serving at the National Library. Namely by buying old books such as literary poets. This purchase later made him have to deal with the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK). “As an example, roll films according to the law must be submitted to the archives three months after they are disseminated. With this, many entrepreneurs object because three months is not enough time to sell the film," explained the former Head of UB Library.


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Article/Photo: Aulia Luqman Aziz

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