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Sofyan Agus Saputra, Best FIA UB Graduate at the Release of Period IX Graduates 2014/2015

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The Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held an event "Departure of Period IX Graduates of 2014/2015 Academic Year", Saturday (13/6). The event which was held after the UB graduation procession which took place in the Hall of Building A, 4th floor of FIA UB was attended by all graduates from FIA UB along with the invitees consisting of faculty heads, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of departments, heads of ... Read more

Compiling the 2016-2020 Strategic Plan, FIA UB Holds Workshop I on Strategic Plan Preparation

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In the context of preparing the Strategic Plan (Renstra) of FIA UB for the 2016-2020 period, FIA UB held "Workshop I Strategic Plan 2016-2020: Evaluation of Achievements and SWOT Analysis", Thursday (11/6). At the event which took place in the Meeting Room of Building B, 2nd Floor, all elements of the faculty leadership were present, including heads of departments, heads of study programs, and heads of study centers in the environmen… Read more

Schedule of Even Semester End Examinations for 2014/2015 Academic Year for Undergraduate Programs

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The following is the schedule of Even Semester Final Examinations for the 2014/2015 Academic Year for Undergraduate Programs as follows: 2014 Even 2014 UAS Schedule_Business 2014 Even 2014 UAS Schedule_Pajak 2014 Even 2014 UAS Schedule_Binter 2014 Even 2014 UAS Schedule_Tourism 2014 Even 2014 UAS Schedule 2014_Development of Even UAS Schedule 2014_Library of Even UAS Schedule... Read more

FIA UB Student Team Wins 1st Place in Honda WOW Case Competition 2015

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In the final round of the Honda WOW Case Competition, Wednesday (27/5), a team of FIA UB students fronted by Puspa Ratnaningrum, Muhammad Nur Ilham, and Allisya Puspita Dewi (all three from the Department of Business Administration) managed to make history as 1st Winner. This event is a series of "Indonesia Marketers Festival" events in collaboration between Astra Honda Motor and MarkPlus, Inc. … Read more

PKM Strategy Training Towards Pimnas

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Located in the Hall of Building A, Floor 4 of FIA UB yesterday (27/5), dozens of students who are members of the Research Study Club (RSC) of FIA UB seemed serious about listening to the speakers' presentations in the "Student Creativity Program (PKM) Strategy Towards Pimnas" event. This activity was held in collaboration with RSC and UB Student Affairs which was facilitated by UB FIA Student Affairs. This event … Read more

FIA UB Holds SOP Preparation Workshop to Improve Services to Academic Community

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In order to improve the quality of service at FIA UB, the Master of Public Administration Program held a workshop on "Compilation of Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) for Government Agencies at the UB Faculty of Administrative Sciences". The event which was held at the Zam Zam Hotel, Batu, on Saturday-Sunday (23-24/5) presented SOP Expert Lukman Setiawan and was attended by all sub-section heads and heads of affairs in each work unit... Read more

Holds National Guest Lecture, S1 Library Science Study Program Prepares Professional Librarians Ahead of MEA 2015

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In today's era of rapid development of technology and information, as well as with the imminent implementation of the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC), the challenges faced by information professionals or librarians are even greater. This is an interesting discussion in the national guest lecture entitled "Strategies, Challenges and Opportunities for Information Professionals in Facing MEA" which... Read more

Alumni Celebration, the Dean Advised Be Proud to Be a Qualified Faculty Alumni

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Today, Sunday (10/5), the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) officially releases 114 graduates from the Diploma, Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral programs. The release was officially held in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB and was attended by all faculty leaders, graduates, and parents of graduates. In his remarks, the Dean Prof. Dr. Bambang Supriyono, … Read more

FIA Floods with Achievements in the Competition for UB's 52nd Anniversary

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If in several big cities there is a flood of water, then what is happening in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) is a flood of achievements. After previously being crowned as the 3rd winner in the Cleanliness Competition at UB level, now it is the turn of the educational staff to present the trophy to FIA. Still on the occasion of UB's 52nd Anniversary, several numbers … Read more

Retrieval of PK2WK Certificates and PK2MABA Certificates for Class of 2011-2013

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Notified to all students of the 2011, 2012, and 2013 batch of Administrative Sciences Faculty of Brawijaya University Malang who have not taken the PK2WK certificate and PK2MABA certificate (for students who have reported to BEM FIA UB) can take the certificate and statement on: Day, Date: Tuesday, 17 February 2015 Time : 09.00 – 15.00 … Read more

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