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Department of Business Administration Preparing for Espriex BMC 2016

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Successfully holding the ESPRIEX (Entrepreneurial Spirit Exchange) event in 2013 and 2014, the Department of Business Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya again held ESPRIEX in 2016 in collaboration with the organizers of the International Business Model Competition, namely Brigham Young University as the host, as well as Harvard University and Stanford University as co-hosts under the name ESPRIEX BUSINESS MODEL COMPETITION (BMC) ASEAN … Read more

Collaboration with Bappenas RI, FIA UB Holds First Planner Functional Training

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In collaboration with Pusbindiklatren Bappenas RI, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) held the First Planner Functional Training. In the activity which will last for seven weeks, there are two groups listed as participants in the activity, each staff from government agencies under the coordination of the Indonesian National Development Planning Agency and from the RI POM Agency. A total of 38… Read more

Collaborating with the State Ministry of National Development Planning Agency, FAS UB held The First Planning Functional Training

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Working together with the Construction, Education and Training Center of the State Ministry of National Development Planning Agency, FAS UB held the first functional training on planning. The planning lasted for 7 (seven) weeks and 38 participants from different cities all over Indonesia were divided into 2 (two) cohorts. The participants were the employees of … Read more

Guest Lecture on Taxation Completed Dwelling Time

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FIA UB Tax Study Program held a guest lecture with the main topic "Dwelling Time", Wednesday (21/10). The event which raised an issue that was currently hot in the community was the result of a collaboration between the Taxation Study Program and the Customs and Excise Service Office (KPP-BC) Middle Type Customs (TMP) Tanjung Perak. The event was held in the Hall of Building A Floor 4 FIA … Read more

Taxation Guest Lecture on Dwelling Time

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Taxation Program Faculty of Administrative Science of University of Brawijaya held a guest lecture entitled “Dwelling Time” on Monday, October 21. Efrizal, the head of the Customs and Excise Tanjung Perak, Surabaya, was the speaker on the occasion. Students of taxation program and some lecturers of FAS UB, especially those whose classes are related to taxation, … Read more

Ginandjar Kartasasmita: FIA UB Must Be Able to Produce a Generation of Leaders

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FIA UB is again holding an FIA UB Strategic Planning Workshop for the 2016-2020 period, Tuesday (20/10). The main agenda in the 3rd Strategic Plan Workshop is to listen to comments from experts, stakeholders and users. The response from the experts was conveyed by Prof. Dr. Ginandjar Kartasasmita (Professor of Development Administration of FIA UB), Prof. Dr. Umar Nimran, MA (Professor of Business Administration FIA UB), … Read more

Ginandjar Kartasasmita: FAS UB Should Produce Generations of Leaders

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Once again, FAS UB held the 2016-2020 FAS UB Strategic Plan Workshop on Tuesday, October 20. The main agenda of the third strategic workshop was to listen to responses from experts, stakeholders and users. Prof. Dr. Ginandjar Kartasasmita (Professor of Development Administration FAS UB), Prof. Dr. Umar Nimran, MA (Professor of Business Administration FAS UB), … Read more

Do join, Southeast Asia Governance Forum 2015

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The Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIA UB) is again hosting a large international scale event. The 2015 Southeast Asia Governance Forum agenda is planned to be held on 11-12 November 2015. The event which is centered in the Hall of Building A, 4th Floor of FIA UB will take the theme of Making Good Governance Works in Southeast Asia (Encouraging Quadruple Helix … Read more

Building Coordination of Reporting, PSIK FIA UB Holds News Reporting Training for Students

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The mass media as a channel of information to the public seems to have begun to shift from its original function. Media owners who have certain interests are now starting to color the direction and content of the information they want to convey to the public, making it difficult for the public to expect complete and clear information to lead them in a better direction. That's a bit of a role... Read more

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