Announcement of Judicial Registration for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs for the Period of 15 July 2021

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In connection with YUDISIUM for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs at the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya for the period July 15 2021, all prospective Yudisum participants will be informed about the following matters: 1. Registration for UPLOAD and VALIDATION (online) no later than : Day : Friday Date : July 9, 2021 At … Baca Selengkapnya

Announcement of the Yudisium for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs Period 24 June 2021 Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya

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The following are the names of Yudisium participants for the period June 24, 2021 for the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences: LIST OF NAMES OF YUDISIUM PARTICIPANTS FOR THE PERIOD 24 JUNE 2021 Relating to SKL (Certificate of Graduation) and Provisional Transcripts will be sent via e-mail of yudisium participants or if necessary sent via correspondence address . Therefore, it is requested that yudisium participants be able to complete … Baca Selengkapnya


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1. Intermediate Semester Lecture Schedule: Intermediate Semester Schedule 2. Correction of Intermediate Semester Lecture Schedule: Tourism Study Program 3. List of Subjects: Department of Public Administration – Study Program of Public Administration: State Finance Bureaucracy Public Sector Strategic Management Reform Adm. Public Seminar Adm Issues. Development of Seminar on Public Service Issues – Study Program … Baca Selengkapnya

Library Knight Achievement

  Assalamualaikum Wr. Wrb Syalom Om Swastiyastu Namo Buddhaya Good afternoon, Library Knights! On this occasion there is information about the Library Knights who have just won an achievement in the National Poster event by BEM FIP UNNES 2021. We congratulate Khoritul Khayat from class of 2018 who has made the name of Library Science Study Program FIA UB proud. Passion for … Baca Selengkapnya

National Archives Day

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Shalom Om Swastiyastu Namo Buddhaya Good afternoon, Library Knights! Happy National Archives Day “Archives help a person improve memory. Archives show the personal power of their owners. Archives won't lie because they can't argue with themselves” (Pramoedya Ananta Toer) National Archives Day is routinely celebrated every May 18th. As for the background to the determination… Baca Selengkapnya

Announcement of the Yudisium for Undergraduate and Masters Programs for the April 29 2021 Period, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya

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Following are the names of Yudisium participants for the April 29 2021 period for the Bachelor, Masters and Doctoral levels of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences: LIST OF NAMES OF YUDISIUM PARTICIPANTS FOR THE PERIOD OF APRIL 29 2021 Relating to SKL (Certificate of Graduation) and Temporary Transcripts will be sent via e-mail of yudisium participants or if necessary sent via correspondence address . Therefore, it is requested that yudisium participants be able to complete … Baca Selengkapnya

World Book Day

Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Shalom Om Swastiyastu Namo Budhaya Good afternoon, Library Knights! Happy World Book Day Books as a source of various information that can open insights about various things. Books are the driving force and driving force for the progress of civilization which is the basis of everyone's life in the reality of life. So, reading books has very important benefits. Global Alert… Baca Selengkapnya


Hello Young CEO! They say that if you have a business you have to brand it, but can you brand yourself? Selling yourself, right? Well... not selling yourself, right!! One way we can do personal branding is through interviews! WOW! Coincidentally, Ei Lab is holding a webinar discussing personal branding in Career Insight With Alumni with the theme "Be Innovative... Baca Selengkapnya

National Film Day

  Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Shalom Om Swastiyastu Namo Budhaya Good afternoon, Library Knights! Today, March 30, has an important history in the world of Indonesian cinema. This started when the first shooting of the film Blood and Prayer (The Long March of Siliwangi) was directed by Usmar Ismail in 1950. It was this event that… Baca Selengkapnya

Launching of the Freedom to Learn Program

[LAUNCHING FREE LEARNING PROGRAM] Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb Shalom Om Swastiyastu Namo Buddhaya Good afternoon, Library Knights! It doesn't realize that today, February 15, 2021, is the first day of even semester lectures at Brawijaya University. On this day, the Library Science of FIA UB brings a new program for its students. The program is the Merdeka Campus… Baca Selengkapnya

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