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Corrections to the 2013/2014 Even UAS Schedule

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Notified to students who program the Accounting System II Course, to pay attention to the schedule errors as follows: Examination Subjects: Accounting Systems II Classes: A, B, C, D, E and K Scheduled: Friday, June 27 2014 At 07.30 WIB Should have been: Friday , 27 June 2014 At 07.00 WIB So that it becomes a concern. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

RI Minister of Defense Visits FIA UB

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Minister of Defense of the Republic of Indonesia (Menhan RI) Prof. Ir. Purnomo Yusgiantoro MSc., MA., Ph.D visited the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya (FIAUB), Saturday (21/6). The purpose of Purnomo Yusgiantoro's visit to the FIA was to test one of the Doctoral students in the Faculty of Administrative Sciences and to give guest lectures to undergraduate, postgraduate and doctoral students. Apart from testing one of the FIA doctoral students… Read more

Announcement of Judicium July 2014

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ANNOUNCEMENT No: 7407/UN10.3/AK/2014 Notified to FIA UB students that the Judicium for Undergraduate, Masters and Doctoral Programs will be held on: Day: Friday Date: July 4 2014 Time: 08.30 WIB Place: Meeting Room Building B Floor IV Printed announcement and stamped can be downloaded here. Thus to make attention. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

News of the Death of Mr. Dr. Imam Hardjanto, MAP

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Inalillahi Wa inailaihi Rojiun. Has passed away to Rahmatullah Senior Lecturer of the Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Brawijaya Mr. Dr. Imam Hardjanto, on Tuesday, 10 June 2014 at the age of 68, address Jl. Bareng Raya II/320 Malang. The body will be buried after the midday prayer and after the funeral prayer is carried out at the nearest mosque from the deceased's house. The entire academic community… Read more

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Category Announcement for Undergraduate Program (S1) Even Semester Academic Year 2013/2014

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The following is the List of Students Affected by the Categories for Undergraduate Programs (S1) Even Semester Academic Year 2013/2014 as follows: Public Administration Science Government Administration Development Planning Science Library Science Business Administration Taxation International Business Hospitality and Tourism The names listed on the list above is not... Read more

Call for 2014 PKM Monev

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No. 7107/UN10.3/KM/2014 To the PKM FIA UB group Based on the results of the PKM Internal Monev on Saturday, 7 June 2014, the group in this attachment was not present at the event. Therefore your group is required to appear before the Vice Dean III on: Day: Tuesday Date: 10 June 2014 Time: 07.30 WIB Place: Assistant Dean III Room, 2nd floor … Read more

Short Semester of 2013/2014 Academic Year

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No. 6798/UN10.3/AK/2014 Notified to all Undergraduate (S1) students, the 2013/2014 Academic Year Short Semester will be held on 1 July – 15 August 2014. The provisions for SP are as follows: Cost Rp. 40.000,-/sks for regular class and Rp. 75.000,-/sks for English class Maximum load is 10 (ten) credits or 3 (three) courses Payment via … Read more

Prospective Substitute Scholarship Recipients in 2014

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The following is a list of names of potential recipients of the 2014 PPA-Non-Academic, BBP-PPA replacement scholarships. These names are expected to immediately contact the Student Affairs Subdivision on working days and hours. List of names can be seen here. Thank you for your attention and cooperation. FIA UB Student Affairs Subdivision

Announcement of UB Library

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The list of 2013/2014 Even Semester students taking the Information Retrieval course to immediately return the 2013 Editions 1 and 2 Maritime Security Journal is as follows: Dea Pristotia Anggi R Manzilatus Shokhfatin N Ishak Yogi Risman Kadir Rani Atika Fatmala Intan Mayang Putri Tyara Dea Pramita Evi Luthfiatur Rohmah If the journal doesn't … Read more

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