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Implementation of Graduation Period III Academic Year 2014-2015

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In connection with the fulfillment of the 2014/2015 Period III Academic Year Graduation quota, we hereby inform you of the following: The graduation procession was held on Saturday, November 15 2014. There were no cancellations or replacements for graduation participants. The graduation dress rehearsal was held on Friday 14 November 2014 at 15.00 at Samantha Krida UB. Faculty can take invitations… Read more

Adjustment of Odd UTS Schedule for 2014/2015 Academic Year

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It is notified to all undergraduate program students as follows: Revised schedule for Governance Law (Government Administration) and Citizenship (Public Administration Study Program) courses which can be downloaded here. Spatial Corrections: – Creativity and Innovation (Business, F) – Development Theory (Government, A)- Restaurant, Bar and Catering Management (Tourism, A) Please download here. Schedule Error: – Introduction … Read more

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Healthy Walk and FIA Gardening in the context of the 54th FIA Anniversary

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Sunday, October 19 2014, the Faculty of Administrative Sciences held a healthy walk in the context of the 54th FIA Anniversary. This event was attended by the Chancellor and several management staff of Universitas Brawijaya. At around 06.00 WIB, the healthy walk was opened by the Chancellor after previously cutting the ribbon which was raised by hundreds of balloons. Also attending… Read more

Mid Semester Examination Schedule for Academic Year 2014/2015 for Undergraduate Programs (S1)

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The following is the Mid Semester Exam Schedule for the 2014/2015 Academic Year for Undergraduate Programs (S1) as follows: Public Administration Science Government Administration Development Planning Library Science Business Administration Taxation International Business Hospitality and Tourism So that it can be a concern. Thank you, FIA UB Academic Subdivision

Guest Lecture from Universiti Utara Malaysia

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Number: 13232/UN10.3/AK/2014 Announced to all students of the Department of Public Administration, Faculty of Administrative Sciences, Universitas Brawijaya, in connection with the holding of a Guest Lecture from UUM Malaysia which will be held on: Day/Date: Wednesday, 22 October 2014 At : 09.00 until finish Place : Gd. A Lt. 4 Speakers : … Read more

Implementation of Dress Rehearsals and Collection of Graduation Gowns Period II 2014/2015 Academic Year

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number : 13111/UN10.3/KM/2014 IMPLEMENTATION OF CLEANSE RELAXING IN UB ADMINISTRATIVE SCIENCE FACULTY FOR PROSPECTIVE GRADUATES/WATI : Period II FY 2014/2015 at : Day/Date : Friday/7 November 2014 Time : 08.30 WIB Venue : Hall Floor 4 Building A FIA UB Prospective graduates MUST take part in the … Read more

Provision of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates Period II 2014/2015 Academic Year of Undergraduate Programs

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ANNOUNCEMENT Number: 13110/UN10.3/KM/2014 Debriefing of the World of Work for Prospective Graduates Period I TA 2014/2015, will be held on: Day : Sunday Date : November 2 2014 Time : 08.00 WIB – finish Speaker : Wiwin Lukitohadi, S.Psi, SH., CHRM, Ristika Kurnia Nestiorini, SP, Linda Ilfiana Mahalesi, S.Psi, Andito Aryo Dwi Putro Theme: Job Selection … Read more

Semester Exam Rules

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PROCEDURES FOR THE MIDDLE SEMESTER EXAMINATION (UTS) AND FINAL EXAMINATION (UAS) Article 1 Obligations for Examination Participants (1) Examination participants must be present 10 (ten) minutes before the exam begins. (2) Examination participants are required to bring a Student Identity Card (KTM). (3) Examination participants are required to bring their own writing instruments and other necessary equipment. (4) Examinees are required to put … Read more

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